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Caffmos 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


Caffmos is an online dating app that has been connecting members of the LGBTQ+ community since 1999. It was one of the first social networking sites to cater specifically to gay, bisexual and transgender people looking for friendship, companionship or love. The platform now boasts over a million active users in more than five countries around the world.

The Caffmos Community is owned by parent company Silver Lining Solutions Ltd., which also owns other popular LGBT-friendly websites such as Gaydar Radio and Out Everywhere Magazine. As its name suggests, it’s designed with older men in mind – although anyone can join regardless of age or gender identity – so if you’re looking for someone who shares your interests but may be outside your usual circle then this could be just what you need!

The website offers a range of features including chat rooms where members can get together; forums covering topics from health advice to travel tips; profiles featuring photos and videos; personal blogs where users can share their thoughts on anything they like; private messaging between friends old and new plus much more besides! All these services are free when registering as a user – simply enter some basic details about yourself (namely date of birth) along with creating an account username & password before being granted access into this vibrant online community full potential awaits all those willing enough to explore it!

For those wishing even greater convenience there’s also Caffmos’ mobile app available on both iOS & Android devices allowing easy access no matter wherever life takes them: Users will find everything from profile creation/editing options right through up until viewing messages sent directly within their inboxes making staying connected easier than ever before!.

How Does Caffmos Work?

Caffmos is an app designed to connect people from the LGBT community. It provides a safe and secure platform for users to meet, chat, and make friends with like-minded individuals all over the world. The key features of Caffmos include a profile search function that allows you to find profiles based on location or interests; it also offers video messaging capabilities so users can get in touch with each other easily without having to leave their home environment. Additionally, there are many different types of user accounts available – ranging from casual daters looking for fun conversations through more serious relationships seekers who want something long term – giving everyone access regardless of what they’re looking for.

The app currently has millions of active members across five countries: United States, Canada, Australia/New Zealand (ANZ), Europe (EU) and Asia Pacific Region (APR). Each country has its own dedicated page where you can browse through local profiles as well as those located elsewhere around the globe – making sure that no matter where you live or travel there will always be someone nearby ready to chat! In addition to this feature Caffmos also includes advanced filters which allow users narrow down their searches even further by age range gender identity etc., ensuring that only relevant results appear when searching for potential matches.

Moreover ,the app ensures safety protocols such as blocking any inappropriate content being posted by members while providing 24/7 customer support should any issues arise during use . All communication between two parties remains private until both agree otherwise ; therefore allowing complete discretion when talking online . Furthermore ,it gives newbies helpful tips on how best utilize one’s account & take advantage off all its features including uploading pictures & creating detailed descriptions about themselves in order attract attention from others .

Apart from connecting singles seeking love or friendship ,Caffmo facilitates social activities among groups within same locality either via direct messages sent directly though mobile devices or emails exchanged outside application itself depending upon individual preferences thus bringing together diverse communities under single umbrella encouraging diversity & acceptance amongst them irrespective religion caste color race orientation etc.. This helps build strong bond between fellow gay men enabling them share common experiences break boundaries set forth traditional norms established society thereby paving way mutual understanding respect towards one another ultimately leading healthier lifestyle choices future generations come embrace wholeheartedly worldwide basis !

Finally yet importantly ,app takes security measures very seriously implementing latest encryption technologies ensure personal data remain protected at times accessing information stored servers done securely using HTTPS protocol hence safeguarding sensitive details such credit card numbers passwords contact info addresses names photos videos away prying eyes malicious intent whatsoever cost !

  • 1.Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • 2. Private messaging system for secure communication
  • 3. Comprehensive profile sections with detailed information about members
  • 4. Ability to upload multiple photos and videos in your profile
  • 5. Verified member status which provides a higher level of trustworthiness on the site
  • 6. Travel feature that allows you to meet other Caffmos users when traveling abroad

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Caffmos app is simple and straightforward. To begin, users must provide basic information such as their gender identity, age (the minimum required age to join is 18 years old), email address, location and a username. After submitting this information they will be asked to create a password for their account before being taken through an onboarding questionnaire that helps them customize their profile by selecting interests or hobbies from various categories. Once complete, users can start searching for potential matches based on criteria like location or preferences set in the onboarding questionnaire. The app also offers additional features like messaging other members directly or joining group chats with multiple people at once – all of which are free of charge!

  • 1.Users must be 18 years of age or older to register for Caffmos.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and password in order to create an account on the site.
  • 3. Users are required to agree with all terms and conditions before they can proceed with registration process
  • 4. A profile photo is mandatory when creating a new account, which will help other members identify each other more easily
  • 5. All information provided by the user during registration should be accurate, complete and up-to-date at all times
  • 6 .Users may not use offensive language or images while interacting on Caffmos; any such behavior will result in immediate suspension from the platform
  • 7 .The website reserves right to reject registrations if it finds them inappropriate according to its guidelines 8 .All registered users need verify their accounts through e-mail confirmation link sent after successful completion of signup process

Design and Usability of Caffmos

The Caffmos app has a bright and vibrant design with its blue, green, and yellow color scheme. It is easy to find profiles of other people by using the search bar or browsing through categories such as location or interests. The usability of the app is great; it’s simple to navigate between pages and features are clearly labeled so you can quickly access what you need. If you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements that make navigation easier including an improved profile page layout for more efficient viewing.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Caffmos are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website. Users have the ability to set a custom bio, as well as upload photos of themselves. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other in order to chat or exchange messages. Privacy settings are available for users, allowing them to control what information they share publicly and privately. Additionally, there is an option for Google or Facebook sign-in that helps make it easier for new members join quickly without having create another account from scratch..

Location info in profiles includes city name but does not reveal exact address nor any indication of distance between two different locations unless both parties agree upon sharing such information voluntarily through private messaging services offered by Caffmos platform . Members may choose whether they want their location visible or hidden depending on personal preferences while using this service; however hiding one’s location will limit some features like finding nearby friends geographically speaking since these searches rely heavily on accurate data provided by user profile fields related with geographic coordinates .

Premium subscription offers additional benefits when it comes down to user profiles: higher visibility among other members due its placement at top search results plus access exclusive content only available if you’re subscribed member , thus increasing chances significantly of being contacted directly via email from someone interested about your profile based solely off how complete and detailed your page looks like compared against free accounts holders’ ones where certain elements remain locked until further upgrade takes place into premium plan tier package deal


Caffmos is a popular dating website for gay, bisexual and curious men. It has been around since 1999 and provides an easy-to-use platform to meet likeminded individuals from all over the world. The site offers many features such as profile creation, photo uploads, messaging services and advanced search filters that make it easier to find compatible matches quickly. One of the main advantages of Caffmos is its extensive user base which makes finding potential partners much simpler than on other sites with fewer members. Additionally, users can take advantage of detailed profiles which allow them to get a better understanding about someone before deciding whether or not they want to pursue contact further.

The Caffmos app was launched in 2018 as an extension of their existing service offering more convenience when looking for dates on the go; however there are some differences between using the app compared with accessing through web browser version – primarily being that certain features may be limited or unavailable due solely being available via desktop use only (such as uploading photos). Another difference would be notifications sent directly onto your mobile device whenever you receive messages from other users whereas this isn’t possible if you were just using your computer at home/work etc.. Despite these minor drawbacks overall both versions offer great value for money allowing access into one large database full singles who share similar interests & values making it ideal place start any new relationship!

Safety & Security

Caffmos is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. It has implemented various measures to ensure the security of user accounts and data, such as verification methods, fighting against bots and fake accounts, manual photo reviews etc.

The Caffmos account registration process requires email address validation in order to create an account with them. This helps in verifying that each user who registers on their site is genuine and not a bot or fake profile created by someone else. Additionally they have also implemented CAPTCHA tests which are used for further verification of new registrations before allowing access into the system. Furthermore all photos uploaded onto Caffmos are manually reviewed by staff members before being made available publicly on the website; this ensures only legitimate content appears online thus preventing any malicious activities from taking place within their network environment . Moreover two-factor authentication (2FA) option is also available at sign up stage which provides extra layer of protection when logging into your account from different devices or locations around world thereby helping protect your personal information more securely than ever before .

When it comes privacy policy , CaffMos takes seriously its responsibility regarding protecting private information shared through our service while respecting individual’s right to privacy & confidentiality as well as adhering legal requirements applicable under GDPR regulations across Europe & other jurisdictions worldwide where we operate business services globally

Pricing and Benefits

Is Caffmos Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Caffmos is an online dating and social networking site for the gay community. It has been around since 1999, making it one of the oldest sites in its niche. The question many users have when considering joining this platform is whether they need to pay for a subscription or if there are any free options available.

The basic version of Caffmos does not require payment and offers some features such as profile creation, searching through profiles, messaging other members, sending winks/flirts etc., but these features come with limited access compared to what you get with paid membership plans. For example: You can only view 10 photos per day on your profile page without upgrading; With premium subscriptions you get unlimited photo views along with additional benefits like advanced search filters & enhanced privacy settings among others.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Premium Membership On CaffMos?

  • Unlimited Photo Views – View up to 100 photos per day from all member profiles instead of just 10! * Advanced Search Filters – Refine your searches using location-based criteria (eg city) & age range preferences etc.. * Enhanced Privacy Settings – Block unwanted messages & keep personal details private while browsing safely onsite * Priority Customer Support – Get help faster by contacting our dedicated customer service team directly via email

How Much Does A Paid Subscription Cost And Is It Competitively Priced?

There are two types of paid subscriptions offered at different price points depending upon how long you wish to subscribe for: 1 month ($19), 3 months ($39). These prices compare favourably against similar services that offer comparable levels of functionality so customers should find them competitively priced given their level usage rights granted under each plan type purchased respectively .

Cancellation Process And Refunds On CaffeMOS Premium Memberships

If users decide that they no longer want their premium membership then cancelling couldn’t be easier! All cancellations must be made prior to renewal date otherwise user will automatically renew into another billing cycle unless cancelled before hand (this applies regardless which length plan was originally subscribed too). Unfortunately due refunds cannot be issued once payment has already gone through however unused portions may still qualify subject further review based upon individual circumstances .

Help & Support

Caffmos is a great platform for connecting with other members of the LGBT+ community. It also offers support to its users in many different ways.

The first way you can access support on Caffmos is through their website, which has an extensive FAQ page that answers commonly asked questions about how to use the site and what features are available. Additionally, there is a contact form where you can submit any queries or issues directly to their customer service team who will respond within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday).

Another way you can get help from Caffmos’s customer service team is by calling them directly at +44(0)20 7183 4377 between 9am and 5pm GMT Monday-Friday. They offer friendly advice over the phone as well as providing technical assistance if needed. The response time when contacting via telephone tends to be quicker than submitting your query online but both methods should result in prompt responses from their helpful staff members!


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-7447084002396","question":["1. Is Caffmos safe?"],"answer":["Yes, Caffmos is a safe website. It has been designed to provide users with an online community that allows them to connect and interact in a secure environment. The site uses the latest encryption technology to ensure all data transmitted between members remains private and secure. Furthermore, it also requires its members to agree not share any personal information or contact details outside of the platform itself which helps protect against potential scams or malicious activity from other sources on the internet. In addition, Caffmos provides moderation services so that any inappropriate content can be quickly removed if necessary for safety reasons as well as moderating chat rooms and forums so conversations remain respectful at all times without fear of abuse or trolling by other users who may have different opinions than those expressed within these spaces"],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is Caffmos safe?","jsonAnswer":"Yes, Caffmos is a safe website. It has been designed to provide users with an online community that allows them to connect and interact in a secure environment. The site uses the latest encryption technology to ensure all data transmitted between members remains private and secure. Furthermore, it also requires its members to agree not share any personal information or contact details outside of the platform itself which helps protect against potential scams or malicious activity from other sources on the internet. In addition, Caffmos provides moderation services so that any inappropriate content can be quickly removed if necessary for safety reasons as well as moderating chat rooms and forums so conversations remain respectful at all times without fear of abuse or trolling by other users who may have different opinions than those expressed within these spaces"},{"id":"faq-question-2163761570122","question":["2. Is Caffmos a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["Yes, Caffmos is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 1998 and was one of the first sites to offer an online space for gay men over 50 to meet each other. The site boasts hundreds of thousands of members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even just casual conversation. Members can use features such as chat rooms, forums and private messaging systems in order to connect with others on the platform. In addition, they also have access to events listings which allow them to find local activities that might be interesting or fun for them attend together with their potential matches if desired. All in all it provides a safe environment where people can get together and make meaningful connections without having any worries about being judged based on age or sexual orientation"],"jsonQuestion":"2. Is Caffmos a real dating site with real users?","jsonAnswer":"Yes, Caffmos is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 1998 and was one of the first sites to offer an online space for gay men over 50 to meet each other. The site boasts hundreds of thousands of members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even just casual conversation. Members can use features such as chat rooms, forums and private messaging systems in order to connect with others on the platform. In addition, they also have access to events listings which allow them to find local activities that might be interesting or fun for them attend together with their potential matches if desired. All in all it provides a safe environment where people can get together and make meaningful connections without having any worries about being judged based on age or sexual orientation"},{"id":"faq-question-1070167518227","question":["3. How to use Caffmos app?"],"answer":["Using the Caffmos app is a great way to connect with other members of the LGBT community. The app provides users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for people who share their interests, location, or age range. Once you find someone interesting, you can send messages back and forth as well as add each other on your friends list so that you can stay in touch more easily. You also have access to chat rooms where conversations about various topics are held among members of the community from all over the world. \n\nThe Caffmos app also has some unique features such as its \u201cFavorites\u201d feature which lets users save profiles they like so they don\u2019t have to keep searching every time they want contact someone again; this makes it easier than ever before for those looking for new connections within their local area or even around the globe! Additionally, there are options available if one wants extra privacy when using this platform \u2013 including private messaging between two individuals only accessible by invitation – allowing anyone interested in exploring same sex relationships without having any worries about others finding out what is going on behind closed doors!"],"jsonQuestion":"3. How to use Caffmos app?","jsonAnswer":"Using the Caffmos app is a great way to connect with other members of the LGBT community. The app provides users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for people who share their interests, location, or age range. Once you find someone interesting, you can send messages back and forth as well as add each other on your friends list so that you can stay in touch more easily. You also have access to chat rooms where conversations about various topics are held among members of the community from all over the world. \n\nThe Caffmos app also has some unique features such as its \u201cFavorites\u201d feature which lets users save profiles they like so they don\u2019t have to keep searching every time they want contact someone again; this makes it easier than ever before for those looking for new connections within their local area or even around the globe! Additionally, there are options available if one wants extra privacy when using this platform \u2013 including private messaging between two individuals only accessible by invitation – allowing anyone interested in exploring same sex relationships without having any worries about others finding out what is going on behind closed doors!"},{"id":"faq-question-5195770588685","question":["4. Is Caffmos free?"],"answer":["Caffmos is a free online dating and social networking site for older gay men, silver daddies, mature bears and their admirers. It offers its members the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals in an environment that is safe and secure. Caffmos has been around since 1998 so it’s one of the longest running sites of its kind on the internet today. The website does not charge any fees or subscription costs for users to join up or use most features; however there are some premium services available which require payment before they can be accessed. These include additional profile options such as video chat rooms, private messaging systems etc., but these are completely optional extras if you don’t wish to pay anything extra then you won’t miss out on much by using just the basic version of Caffmos’ service instead!”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is Caffmos free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Caffmos is a free online dating and social networking site for older gay men, silver daddies, mature bears and their admirers. It offers its members the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals in an environment that is safe and secure. Caffmos has been around since 1998 so it’s one of the longest running sites of its kind on the internet today. The website does not charge any fees or subscription costs for users to join up or use most features; however there are some premium services available which require payment before they can be accessed. These include additional profile options such as video chat rooms, private messaging systems etc., but these are completely optional extras if you don’t wish to pay anything extra then you won’t miss out on much by using just the basic version of Caffmos’ service instead!”},{“id”:”faq-question-6751137415830″,”question”:[“5. Is Caffmos working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Yes, Caffmos is working and it can be a great way to find someone. It’s an online dating site specifically designed for older gay men who are looking for companionship or romance. The website has been around since 1998 and provides users with the opportunity to create detailed profiles so they can easily connect with other members in their area. Users have access to search filters that allow them to narrow down potential matches based on interests, location, age range, etc., making it easier than ever before for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet one another through this platform. With its extensive database of active members from all over the world, Caffmos makes finding compatible partners simple and convenient – no matter where you live!”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is Caffmos working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, Caffmos is working and it can be a great way to find someone. It’s an online dating site specifically designed for older gay men who are looking for companionship or romance. The website has been around since 1998 and provides users with the opportunity to create detailed profiles so they can easily connect with other members in their area. Users have access to search filters that allow them to narrow down potential matches based on interests, location, age range, etc., making it easier than ever before for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet one another through this platform. With its extensive database of active members from all over the world, Caffmos makes finding compatible partners simple and convenient – no matter where you live!”}]} –>

1. Is Caffmos safe?

Yes, Caffmos is a safe website. It has been designed to provide users with an online community that allows them to connect and interact in a secure environment. The site uses the latest encryption technology to ensure all data transmitted between members remains private and secure. Furthermore, it also requires its members to agree not share any personal information or contact details outside of the platform itself which helps protect against potential scams or malicious activity from other sources on the internet. In addition, Caffmos provides moderation services so that any inappropriate content can be quickly removed if necessary for safety reasons as well as moderating chat rooms and forums so conversations remain respectful at all times without fear of abuse or trolling by other users who may have different opinions than those expressed within these spaces

2. Is Caffmos a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Caffmos is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 1998 and was one of the first sites to offer an online space for gay men over 50 to meet each other. The site boasts hundreds of thousands of members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even just casual conversation. Members can use features such as chat rooms, forums and private messaging systems in order to connect with others on the platform. In addition, they also have access to events listings which allow them to find local activities that might be interesting or fun for them attend together with their potential matches if desired. All in all it provides a safe environment where people can get together and make meaningful connections without having any worries about being judged based on age or sexual orientation

3. How to use Caffmos app?

Using the Caffmos app is a great way to connect with other members of the LGBT community. The app provides users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for people who share their interests, location, or age range. Once you find someone interesting, you can send messages back and forth as well as add each other on your friends list so that you can stay in touch more easily. You also have access to chat rooms where conversations about various topics are held among members of the community from all over the world.

The Caffmos app also has some unique features such as its “Favorites” feature which lets users save profiles they like so they don’t have to keep searching every time they want contact someone again; this makes it easier than ever before for those looking for new connections within their local area or even around the globe! Additionally, there are options available if one wants extra privacy when using this platform – including private messaging between two individuals only accessible by invitation – allowing anyone interested in exploring same sex relationships without having any worries about others finding out what is going on behind closed doors!

4. Is Caffmos free?

Caffmos is a free online dating and social networking site for older gay men, silver daddies, mature bears and their admirers. It offers its members the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals in an environment that is safe and secure. Caffmos has been around since 1998 so it’s one of the longest running sites of its kind on the internet today. The website does not charge any fees or subscription costs for users to join up or use most features; however there are some premium services available which require payment before they can be accessed. These include additional profile options such as video chat rooms, private messaging systems etc., but these are completely optional extras if you don’t wish to pay anything extra then you won’t miss out on much by using just the basic version of Caffmos’ service instead!

5. Is Caffmos working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Caffmos is working and it can be a great way to find someone. It’s an online dating site specifically designed for older gay men who are looking for companionship or romance. The website has been around since 1998 and provides users with the opportunity to create detailed profiles so they can easily connect with other members in their area. Users have access to search filters that allow them to narrow down potential matches based on interests, location, age range, etc., making it easier than ever before for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet one another through this platform. With its extensive database of active members from all over the world, Caffmos makes finding compatible partners simple and convenient – no matter where you live!


In conclusion, Caffmos is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are easy to use and understand, making it simple to find the perfect match. The safety and security features of the app provide users with peace of mind that their information will remain private while using this service. Additionally, help and support from Caffmos is readily available should any issues arise during usage or registration process. Finally, user profile quality on this platform appears to be high as all profiles are verified before being approved by moderators which helps ensure authenticity among members in order for them to have an enjoyable experience when searching through potential matches online. All things considered, we can confidently recommend Caffmos as a reliable way of meeting like-minded individuals who share similar interests when looking for someone special!

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Author Sandra King

Sandra King is an experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex and online dating. She has been writing for various publications for over five years and has become an expert on the topics she covers. With her extensive knowledge and experience, she is able to provide readers with valuable insights and advice that can help them make better-informed decisions when it comes to relationships. Her passion for helping others has allowed her to be at the forefront of the online dating industry, and she is always striving to help people find happiness and success in their relationships.