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Collarspace Review 2023


Collarspace is an online social networking platform designed for people who are interested in BDSM, kink and alternative lifestyles. It was founded by a group of experienced lifestyle practitioners with the goal of creating a safe space to explore different aspects of sexuality. The app has been around since 2004 and currently boasts over two million active users worldwide.

The target audience for Collarspace includes those who identify as dominant or submissive, polyamorous couples, fetishists, swingers and more – all looking to meet like-minded individuals or groups within their local area or beyond. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features such as chat rooms, forums (for discussion), profile creation tools (including photo galleries) it’s no wonder that Collarspace has become so popular among members from many countries including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & Germany .

CollarSpace is free to use but does offer premium membership options which provide access to additional features such as private messaging capabilities between users etc.. There isn’t any official mobile application available yet however there’s still ways you can access the site on your phone through web browsers like Chrome/Safari etc… All you need do is go onto collaspace website then log into your account just same way you would when using desktop version .

To register on this platform one needs only few basic details – username password email address date birth gender sexual orientation location description about yourself hobbies interests fetishes likes dislikes preferences etc…. Once registered user will be able receive notifications via emails regarding new messages activities updates friend requests event invitations …etc…..

How Does Collarspace Work?

The Collarspace app is a social networking platform designed for BDSM enthusiasts. It allows users to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world and explore their interests in an open, safe environment. The key features of this app include creating profiles, searching for other members based on specific criteria such as location or interests, messaging and video chatting capabilities, photo sharing options and more. Users can also join various groups related to different aspects of BDSM culture such as rope bondage or spanking play.

Finding profiles on the Collarspace app is easy – simply use the search bar at the top of your screen to find people who share similar kinks or are located nearby you geographically speaking. You can filter results by gender identity (male/female), age range (18+ only) and even sexual orientation if desired! There are millions of active users worldwide; according to recent statistics there are over 1 million registered members from countries including USA, UK Canada Germany & France alone!

Once you have found someone whose profile catches your eye then it’s time to start connecting – sending messages via text chatroom feature available within each user’s page will allow both parties involved in conversation get acquainted better before deciding whether they want pursue further contact outside App itself . Video chats between two participants become possible once initial trust has been established too so that potential partners could really see how compatible they may be face-to-face without ever having met one another personally yet!.

Collarspace also offers its own version “events calendar” where interested persons might check out what kind activities happening near them either organized through official channels directly associated with application itself or sponsored by third party companies providing services related BDSM lifestyle industry overall.. This way newbies just getting into scene won’t feel overwhelmed trying navigate all nuances themselves while experienced players would always stay up date latest happenings regarding their favorite type entertainment!. Finally don’t forget about blog section which contains plethora interesting articles covering wide variety topics ranging general advice beginners tips advanced techniques practiced experts alike.. All these great tools combined make perfect package those seeking ultimate online experience when comes finding fulfilling relationships built upon mutual understanding respect no matter how unconventional tastes may seem others first glance…

  • 1.Customizable profile pages: Users can create their own unique profiles with custom text, images and videos.
  • 2. Private messaging system: Allows users to communicate privately in real-time through secure messages.
  • 3. Advanced search filters: Helps users find the perfect match by narrowing down searches based on specific criteria such as age, location or interests.
  • 4. Verified accounts: Collarspace verifies user identities for added security and trustworthiness when connecting with other members of the community
  • 5 .Group chats & forums : Provides a platform for likeminded people to connect over shared interests in an open forum setting
  • 6 .Virtual events calendar : Keeps track of upcoming virtual events related to BDSM culture

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Collarspace app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must provide their email address and create a username and password. After submitting these details, they will be asked to fill out some basic information about themselves such as gender identity, age range preferences for potential partners, location (optional), interests/hobbies etc., before being taken to the main page of the site where they can start searching for other members or build up their profile further by adding photos and more detailed descriptions about themselves. The minimum required age to join Collarspace is 18 years old; however there are also parental controls available that allow parents or guardians with younger children aged 13-17 access if needed. Registration on Collarspace is free but certain features require payment in order to use them fully – this includes messaging other members directly which requires either buying credits through an online store or signing up for one of its subscription plans depending on how often you plan on using it.

  • 1.Create a valid email address
  • 2. Choose an appropriate username
  • 3. Enter your date of birth to confirm you are 18 or older
  • 4. Agree to the terms and conditions
  • 5. Provide a password that meets security requirements (at least 8 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and at least 1 number)
  • 6. Select your gender identity from the drop-down menu options provided
  • 7. Upload a profile picture for other users to view 8 . Fill out any additional information requested in order for Collarspace’s system administrators to verify account authenticity

Design and Usability of Collarspace

The Collarspace app has a modern design with bright colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other people are easily accessible and you can find them quickly by using the search bar or scrolling through different categories. Usability is great, as all features are clearly labeled and intuitively placed for quick access. Even without purchasing a paid subscription, there is no lack in usability; however, some UI improvements may be available if one chooses to upgrade their account.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Collarspace is quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, including non-members. You can set a custom bio to share more about yourself, but there isn’t a "friends" feature or anything similar available at this time. Privacy settings allow users to keep their profile information private from other members if they choose to do so; however, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature available for added security against fake accounts. Location info in your profile reveals the city you live in only; it does not indicate any distance between users nor give out exact addresses of course! Premium subscription offers some benefits such as additional photo uploads and higher ranking within search results – both of which help improve visibility of your profile amongst other members who may have an interest in connecting with you online!


At the time, Collarspace does not have a dating website. This is likely due to its focus on providing users with an online platform for BDSM and kink-related activities. While there are many other sites that offer similar services, they do not necessarily cater to this specific niche market in the same way as Collarspace does. As such, it would be difficult for them to create a separate site dedicated solely towards finding partners or dates without detracting from their main purpose of connecting people who share common interests related to BDSM and kink activities.

Collarspace has an app available which allows users access all of its features while on the go; however it should be noted that this is still quite different than having a full-fledged dating website at one’s disposal when looking for potential matches or partners outside of those already connected through the service itself. The app offers several advantages over traditional websites such as increased convenience since you can use your phone anywhere instead being tied down by needing access only from certain devices like laptops/desktops but also disadvantages because some functions may not work properly compared if used directly via web browser interface . Furthermore , security measures might need extra attention given mobile apps tend more vulnerable against malicious attacks then desktop ones

Safety & Security

App security in Collarspace is taken very seriously. The platform uses a verification process to ensure that users are real people and not bots or fake accounts. This includes requiring all users to provide an email address, phone number, photo ID and proof of residence when signing up for the service. Additionally, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by staff members before being approved for use on the site. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts into user accounts.

The privacy policy offered by Collarspace ensures that personal information collected from its customers remains secure at all times through encryption technology and other measures such as regular audits conducted internally or externally with third parties who have been certified under applicable laws regarding data protection regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). All customer data stored within their systems will remain confidential unless otherwise stated in their Terms & Conditions agreement which can be found online on their website’s homepage section “Privacy Policy” page link provided thereon

Pricing and Benefits

Is Collarspace Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Collarspace is an online dating and social networking website that caters to people interested in BDSM, kink, fetishism and alternative lifestyles. It’s free for users to create accounts on the site but there are some features available only with a paid subscription.

Benefits of Getting A Paid Subscription:

  • View unlimited profiles ($9/month)

  • Send messages without limits ($15/month)

  • Get priority customer support (Varies by plan)

  • Access advanced search filters (Varies by plan).

Prices vary depending on which type of subscription you choose. The most basic package starts at $9 per month while more comprehensive plans can cost up to $45 per month. Compared to other similar sites, these prices are quite competitive as they offer great value for money considering all the extra features included in each package.

Cancellation Process & Refunds:                                                                   

 Users who wish to cancel their subscriptions must do so before their next billing cycle begins otherwise they will be charged again automatically according its terms and conditions policy . There is no refund offered if cancellation occurs after payment has been made even if user did not use any services during this period . Users should also keep in mind that cancelling does not delete account information from server unless requested explicitly when contacting customer service team via email or phone call .                             If users have already used some services , refunds may be issued upon request provided that certain criteria have been met such as time frame since purchase date etc.. In order get refunded , customers need contact company directly using appropriate channels like live chat , telephone number or email address listed on official website ..

Help & Support

Collarspace is an online platform that provides a variety of support options for its users. Depending on the type of issue or question you have, there are several ways to access help and assistance from Collarspace.

The first way to get in touch with Collarspace’s customer service team is through their website contact page. Here, you can submit your query via email and expect a response within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday-Friday). You may also find answers to commonly asked questions quickly by browsing the FAQ section located at the bottom of each page on their site.

Another option available for contacting Collarpsace’s support staff is by phone call Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST/EDT time zone (+1 855 463 8833). The representatives will be able to provide immediate feedback regarding any technical issues or other queries related to using the platform properly as well as address any concerns about account security or privacy settings changes if needed. Generally speaking, customers should receive prompt responses when reaching out either via email or telephone inquiries so they can continue enjoying all features provided by this social media network without interruption


1. Is Collarspace safe?

Collarspace is generally considered to be a safe website, as long as users take the necessary precautions. It is important for users to create strong passwords and not share them with anyone else. Additionally, it’s best practice for members of Collarspace to keep their personal information private by avoiding sharing sensitive details such as full names or addresses in public forums on the site. Furthermore, Collarspace has safety measures in place that help protect its members from potential scammers or malicious activity; these include features like user verification and flagging inappropriate content/behavior. Ultimately, if you use common sense when interacting with other people online and follow basic security protocols then your experience on Collarspace should remain secure and enjoyable!

2. Is Collarspace a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Collarspace is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and it offers its members the opportunity to meet people who share similar interests or fetishes in an open-minded environment. The website provides various features that make it easy for members to find potential partners, such as advanced search filters, chat rooms and forums where they can interact with other like-minded individuals. Additionally, Collarspace also allows its users to post personal ads so that others can get in touch if they are interested in meeting up offline. All of these features combined make Collarspace one of the most popular online dating sites available today for those looking for alternative relationships or simply someone special!

3. How to use Collarspace app?

Using the Collarspace app is a great way to meet new people and explore your kinkier side. To get started, simply download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once you have downloaded it, create an account by providing some basic information such as age, gender identity and location. You can also upload pictures of yourself if you wish to do so.

Once your profile has been created, start exploring! The main page will show you all sorts of interesting profiles that may interest you – whether they be Dominants looking for submissives or vice versa – whatever suits your fancy! When viewing someone’s profile make sure to read their bio carefully before messaging them in order to ensure compatibility between both parties involved in any potential relationship dynamic (D/s). If there is mutual agreement then take things offline into real life where possible after getting acquainted online first through chat messages on CollarSpace’s platform itself which provides a secure environment for communication with other users who share similar interests as yours safely and anonymously if desired too!.

4. Is Collarspace free?

Collarspace is a free online dating and social networking platform that caters to people who are interested in BDSM, kink, fetishism, and other alternative lifestyles. It has been around since 2004 and currently boasts over 1 million members from all over the world. While Collarspace itself is free to use for everyone, there are some features available only with a paid membership such as access to private messages or advanced search options. However most of the basic features like creating your profile page or searching through profiles remain completely free regardless of whether you have an account on Collarspace or not.

5. Is Collarspace working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Collarspace is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a wide variety of users from all over the world who are looking for different types of relationships. It offers many features such as profile creation, messaging system, chat rooms and even video calls so that you can get to know each other better before meeting in person. You can also search for people based on their interests or location which makes finding potential partners much easier than traditional dating sites. Overall, Collarspace provides an easy way to meet new people online without having to leave your home!


To conclude, Collarspace is a great dating app for those looking to find partners with similar interests. Its design and usability are quite user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through the website. The safety and security features of the site ensure that users can interact safely on this platform without any worries about their personal information being compromised or shared with third parties. Additionally, help and support from customer service representatives are available 24/7 in case you need assistance while using the app. Finally, user profiles have high quality as they provide detailed information regarding each person’s preferences so you can make an informed decision when selecting potential dates online. All these factors combined make Collarspace one of the best apps out there for finding compatible partners quickly and easily!

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Author Sandra King

Sandra King is an experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex and online dating. She has been writing for various publications for over five years and has become an expert on the topics she covers. With her extensive knowledge and experience, she is able to provide readers with valuable insights and advice that can help them make better-informed decisions when it comes to relationships. Her passion for helping others has allowed her to be at the forefront of the online dating industry, and she is always striving to help people find happiness and success in their relationships.