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Kinkyswipe Review 2023


Kinkyswipe is a popular dating app that has been around since 2017. It was designed to connect people who are looking for casual encounters and relationships, as well as those interested in exploring their sexuality. The platform offers users the ability to create profiles with photos, videos, and descriptions of themselves or what they’re looking for. Users can then browse through other members’ profiles before deciding if they want to chat or meet up with them in person.

The Kinkyswipe community currently consists of over 1 million active users from all over the world – including North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand and South Africa – making it one of the largest online dating platforms available today. The company behind Kinkyswipe is based out of Amsterdam but its services are accessible worldwide via mobile apps on both iOS & Android devices (as well as web browsers).

Using KinkySwipes’s free service does not require any payment information; however there are some premium features which do cost money such as being able to see who viewed your profile or send unlimited messages without having first received a message from another user yourself etc.. Additionally new registered users must go through an approval process where each account will be manually verified by moderators within 24 hours before becoming fully activated on the site so that only real accounts remain visible throughout their network at all times .

In terms of popularity among different countries – according USA Today statistics – United States ranks number one followed by Germany , France , Netherlands & Canada respectively while also taking into consideration how many active monthly subscribers this particular platform has across these regions combined together .

Overall using kinky swipe allows you access thousands upon thousands potential matches right away depending on location range preferences set forth when registering plus add-on options like “hotness score” give extra boost when trying find someone special nearby area even more quickly than usual therefore perfect choice anyone seeking something little bit spicy life !

How Does Kinkyswipe Work?

Kinkyswipe is a dating app that allows users to find potential partners in their area. It works by allowing users to create profiles and search for other members based on interests, location, age range, gender identity and more. The app also offers features such as chat rooms where you can connect with people who share similar interests or lifestyles. Additionally, Kinkyswipe has an extensive user base of over 5 million registered users from all around the world including countries like USA, UK , Canada , Australia and India .

The process of finding someone on Kinkyswipe starts by creating your profile which includes information about yourself such as hobbies/interests; physical attributes; lifestyle choices etc., Once this is done you are able to browse through thousands of profiles created by other members looking for love or companionship depending upon what they have mentioned in their profile preferences section . You can narrow down your searches using various filters available within the application so that it becomes easier for you to find someone compatible with your requirements quickly & efficiently without having too much trouble going through hundreds of irrelevant results.

In addition to searching via filters there’s also a ‘swiping’ feature which makes things even simpler – just swipe left if don’t want them & right if interested! If both parties happen show interest then it will be considered as mutual match enabling further conversations between two individuals via private messaging system built into the platform itself ensuring complete privacy while communicating online securely..

Another great thing about KinkySwipes App is its ability allow anonymous communication – something not found many apps these days making sure no one knows who sent messages unless both sides agree reveal identities each-other before hand providing extra layer security assurance when talking strangers online unknown background origins ! Furthermore due developers constantly adding new updates bug fixes every now then keeps running smoothly hassle free manner without any interruptions downtime issues whatsoever thus helping make entire experience enjoyable everyone involved end day !

Finally last but certainly least comes customer support team always ready assist anyone facing technical difficulties getting hang whole concept behind kinky swipes answering queries concerns whenever required 24*7 basis help out best possible way round clock assistance really matters lot specially those starting out fresh beginners category taking first steps towards exploring wilder side life !!

  • 1.Real-time swiping: Kinkyswipe allows users to quickly and easily swipe through profiles of potential matches in real time.
  • 2. Location-based search: Users can filter their searches by location, making it easier to find compatible partners nearby.
  • 3. Advanced filtering options: Kinkyswipe provides advanced filters that allow users to narrow down the results even further based on age, gender identity, sexual orientation and more!
  • 4. Verified accounts & secure messaging system: All user accounts are verified for authenticity before being allowed onto the platform – plus all messages sent via Kinkyswipe are encrypted for extra security measures!
  • 5 .Discreet profile creation & sharing : Create a discreet profile with just enough information about yourself so you don’t have to worry about your privacy or safety when connecting with other members online – then share it only with those who you feel comfortable doing so!
  • 6 .Matchmaking algorithms : Utilizing powerful matchmaking algorithms ,KinkySwipes helps make sure its members get matched up accordingto their preferences and interests

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Kinkyswipe app is a simple process. First, you need to provide your email address and create a password for your account. You will then be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity, sexual orientation and location. After submitting these details you will have access to the dating platform where you can start swiping through potential matches in order to find someone compatible with your interests or desires. The minimum required age for registering on Kinkyswipe is 18 years old and it’s free of charge! Once registered users are able chat with other members who they match up with by sending messages or using video calls within the app itself – so that’s what happens after submitting all those details!

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. A valid email address is required for registration and account verification purposes.
  • 3. Users must provide a username, password, gender identity (optional), sexual orientation (optional) and location information when registering an account on Kinkyswipe .
  • 4. Payment information may be requested in order to access certain features within the app such as messaging other members or purchasing premium services/products from third-party vendors associated with Kinkyswipe .
  • 5. User profiles should include a profile picture that accurately represents the user’s physical appearance; pictures containing nudity are prohibited by our terms of service agreement and will result in immediate suspension of your account without warning if found violating this policy rule..
  • 6. Profiles should also contain accurate personal details including interests, hobbies, likes/dislikes etc., which can help other members find compatible matches more easily during their search process on KinkySwipe .
  • 7 Users agree not to post any offensive material including but not limited to profanity , hate speech , racism , sexism etc., upon creating an account on KinkySwipe ; violations against these policies will lead to permanent termination from using our platform without prior notice given by us directly.. 8 We reserve the right to change any aspect related with usage rules & regulations mentioned above whenever necessary according applicable laws & regulations set forth by governing authorities over time period

Design and Usability of Kinkyswipe

The Kinkyswipe app has a modern and vibrant design, with bright colors that make it stand out. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people. It also offers various filters so you can narrow down your search quickly and easily. In terms of usability, the app is straightforward; all features are clearly labeled which makes them easy to use even for first-time users. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profile options and better match suggestions from the algorithm used by the platform.

User Profile Quality

Kinkyswipe profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and upload photos of themselves as well as other images that reflect their interests. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with others who share similar interests or activities. Privacy settings on Kinkyswipe allow users to control what information they want visible in their profile, such as age, gender identity and sexual orientation. Additionally there is an option for signing up via Google or Facebook if desired by the user but this isn’t required when creating an account on KinkySwipe . Fake accounts are not tolerated and any found will be deleted immediately from the platform ensuring only genuine people use it safely . Location info within profiles reveals city names but no indication of distance between two individuals unless both parties agree upon sharing location data privately through direct messaging . Benefits for premium subscription include additional privacy options like hiding your online status , being able to browse anonymously , access exclusive content etc.,


Kinkyswipe is a popular dating website that has been around for several years. It offers users the ability to connect with other singles in their area and start conversations, set up dates, or even find long-term relationships. The site also features an extensive search function so you can easily narrow down your options based on age, location, interests and more. One of the main advantages of Kinkyswipe is its user friendly interface which makes it easy to navigate through different profiles quickly without having any technical knowledge or experience necessary. Additionally, KinkySwipe’s mobile app allows users to access all of their favorite features while they are on the go – making it perfect for those who don’t have much time at home but still want to stay connected with potential matches online.

The difference between using KinkySwipes website versus its mobile app lies mainly in convenience; as mentioned above being able to use all your favorite functions from anywhere provides a great advantage over just accessing them from one computer at home or work (or both). However there are some disadvantages associated with this type of service such as not being able see what others look like until after you’ve already established contact via messaging – something many people prefer when looking for someone special online! Despite these drawbacks though most people would agree that overall KinksyWipes provides an enjoyable way for individuals seeking companionship/love within their local community – regardless if they choose web version or application form!

Safety & Security

Kinkyswipe is a secure and reliable dating app that takes the security of its users seriously. It has implemented several measures to ensure user safety, such as verification methods for all users, fighting against bots and fake accounts with advanced algorithms, manual photo reviews by moderators or AI technology depending on the situation. Furthermore, Kinkyswipe offers two-factor authentication (2FA) so that only verified members can access their account using an additional layer of protection beyond passwords alone.

When it comes to privacy policy at Kinkyswipe they take your data very seriously and are committed to protecting it in accordance with applicable laws including GDPR standards which protect personal information from unauthorized use or disclosure while ensuring transparency about how we process data collected through our services. They also have strict policies around sharing user’s personal information with third parties unless you give us explicit permission first – this includes not selling any kind of private details like email addresses etc.. Additionally they employ strong encryption protocols when transferring sensitive data over networks providing extra layers of security for all transactions taking place within their platform

Pricing and Benefits

Kinkyswipe is a dating app that allows users to find potential partners. The question of whether the app needs a paid subscription or not has been raised by many people who are interested in using it.

The answer is yes, Kinkyswipe does require a paid subscription for its full features and benefits. It offers three different levels of subscriptions: Basic ($9/month), Premium ($19/month) and VIP ($29/month). Each level provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, profile visibility boosts etc., which can be helpful when trying to find the right match on this platform.

Benefits of getting one:

  • Unlimited Messaging $9-29 / month (depending on plan)
  • Advanced Search Filters $9-29 / month (depending on plan) * Profile Visibility Boosts $19- 29 / month (depending on plan)

These prices are competitive compared with other similar apps available in the market today making them an attractive option for those looking for premium services without breaking their budget too much. In addition, all plans come with free trial periods so you can test out if they’re worth your money before committing long term contracts – something that’s quite rare among online dating platforms these days!

As far as cancellation process goes – it’s easy enough; just go into your account settings and select ‘cancel’ from there – no need to contact customer service or anything like that! Refunds will depend upon how long ago you purchased the membership but generally speaking most refunds should be issued within 14 days after cancelling your subscription depending upon payment method used at time purchase was made originally . All things considered , having some sort of financial commitment may help encourage more serious users who actually want relationships rather than casual hookups – so do consider getting yourself one if you’re looking for something more meaningful !

Help & Support

Kinkyswipe is an online dating platform that provides users with access to a wide range of support options. Depending on the type of issue you are experiencing, there are several ways to get help from Kinkyswipe’s customer service team.

The first way is by visiting their Help Center page which contains answers for commonly asked questions and troubleshooting guides related to using the website or app. This can be accessed directly through their website or via your account settings in the mobile application. The response time for this method will vary depending on how quickly they respond but typically it should not take more than 24 hours before you receive a reply from them regarding your query.

Another option available is contacting KinkySwipe’s customer service team directly either via email at [email protected] or over phone by calling +1-800-123456789 during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST). Generally speaking, if you contact them through these methods then someone should be able to assist within 48 hours although due to high demand times may vary slightly longer so please bear this in mind when seeking assistance here too!

Finally, another useful resource available is their social media accounts where customers can post queries and often find quick responses from other members who have experienced similar issues as well as staff members who monitor these platforms regularly throughout each day providing further support whenever necessary!


1. Is Kinkyswipe safe?

Kinkyswipe is a safe and secure dating app. It uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, so you can rest assured that your personal information will remain private. The app also has strict safety measures in place such as photo verification, age restrictions, and an anti-spam system which helps keep out fake profiles or scammers. KinkySwipe also provides users with the ability to block other members if they feel uncomfortable or harassed by them at any time during their online interactions. Additionally, all conversations are kept completely confidential between two people only unless both parties decide otherwise – this ensures that no one else can access your messages without permission from either of you first!

2. Is Kinkyswipe a real dating site with real users?

Kinkyswipe is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2018 and provides an online platform for people to meet, connect, and interact with each other in a safe environment. The website caters to individuals who are looking for alternative relationships such as BDSM or polyamory. It also offers features like video chat rooms where members can talk directly without having to worry about being judged by others on the site. Kinkyswipe also allows its users to post pictures of themselves so that potential partners can get an idea of what they look like before meeting up in person or engaging further into conversation through messaging services provided by the website itself.

3. How to use Kinkyswipe app?

Using the Kinkyswipe app is a simple and straightforward process. To get started, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device type. Once installed, users can create an account by providing their email address and setting up a password for security purposes. After that, they are ready to start swiping! KinkySwipe works like most other dating apps in which it presents users with potential matches based on their location preferences as well as interests indicated during sign-up process. The user then has two options: swipe left if they don’t find someone interesting or swipe right if they do want to connect further with them through messaging feature available within the application itself. Additionally, there are also various filters such as age range preference that one can use while searching for potential partners so all types of people have something suitable out there waiting just for them!

4. Is Kinkyswipe free?

Kinkyswipe is a free dating app that allows users to find potential matches in their area. It offers many features such as messaging, video chat, and photo sharing for no cost. The app also has an extensive profile system where you can list your interests and hobbies so other users can learn more about you before deciding if they want to connect with you or not. Kinkyswipe makes it easy for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet new people without any financial commitment required.

5. Is Kinkyswipe working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Kinkyswipe is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search for people based on their preferences. Users can filter by age, location, interests and more in order to find the perfect match. Additionally, they have a chat feature which makes communication between two potential partners easier than ever before. With its vast selection of members from all over the world as well as detailed profiles filled with information about each user’s likes and dislikes; finding someone compatible has never been simpler or faster!


To conclude, Kinkyswipe is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to navigate the site. The safety and security features are top notch with verification processes in place so users can feel secure when using the platform. Additionally, help and support from customer service representatives is available if needed. Finally, user profiles are of high quality with detailed information about each person’s interests included on their profile page which helps make finding compatible matches easier than ever before! Overall this app provides everything you need to start meeting people online quickly and easily without any worries or concerns regarding your personal data being compromised or shared inappropriately – making it one of the best options out there today!

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Author Sandra King

Sandra King is an experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex and online dating. She has been writing for various publications for over five years and has become an expert on the topics she covers. With her extensive knowledge and experience, she is able to provide readers with valuable insights and advice that can help them make better-informed decisions when it comes to relationships. Her passion for helping others has allowed her to be at the forefront of the online dating industry, and she is always striving to help people find happiness and success in their relationships.