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  • Deeply meaningful connections
  • Genuine users looking for real relationships
  • Thoughtful matching algorithm to help find compatible partners
  • Comprehensive profile questions that promote self-reflection
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  • Inaccurate matchmaking algorithms


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Is MeetMindful the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?


MeetMindful is an online dating platform that focuses on connecting singles who are looking for meaningful relationships. It was founded in 2016 by Adam Tilt and Amy Baglan, with the mission of helping people find their perfect match through a mindful approach to love. The app caters to individuals from all walks of life, including those seeking casual hookups or long-term commitments. MeetMindful has become one of the most popular platforms among users searching for authentic connections since its launch over four years ago; it currently boasts more than two million active members worldwide across five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

The user experience at MeetMindful revolves around personal growth and self-improvement while also allowing you to meet potential partners along your journey towards finding true happiness within yourself as well as with another person—all without sacrificing your core values or beliefs in order to do so! With features such as profile verification (to ensure authenticity), guided communication tools (for easy conversation starters) and compatibility matching algorithms (which use data points like lifestyle preferences & relationship goals), this innovative platform makes it easier than ever before for single adults everywhere to connect authentically with someone special they can share their lives with – no matter what stage they’re at in terms of self-discovery & development!

Users have access not only via desktop but also mobile devices too – making sure everyone can stay connected wherever they go – plus there’s even an Android version available now which allows users full access anytime anywhere directly from their phones! And best yet? It’s totally free so anyone interested can give it a try today without any commitment whatsoever…just sign up using Facebook/Google+ accounts OR create new account details if preferred – then start browsing profiles right away!.

How Does MeetMindful Work?

MeetMindful is an online dating app that helps users find meaningful connections. It’s designed to bring together people who are looking for a deeper connection than just casual dating. The key features of the MeetMindful app include its focus on creating relationships based on shared values and interests, as well as providing personalized matches tailored to each user’s individual preferences. With this in mind, users can easily search through profiles by selecting criteria such as age range, location or even hobbies and interests – making it easier to find someone compatible with their lifestyle choices.

The types of users vary from those seeking long-term commitments all the way down to more casual daters who may be interested in something short term but still want a real connection with another person they meet through the platform. As far as countries go there are currently over 5 million active members worldwide; however most come from United States (2 million), followed by Canada (1 million) then Australia (500k). This means no matter where you live you should have plenty of potential partners available within your area!

Once you’ve found some potential matches via searching or browsing suggested profiles -you’ll need to create an account if not already done so before being able start messaging them directly using our built-in chat feature which allows both text messages and audio/video calls depending upon preference . All conversations will remain private between two parties until either decides otherwise meaning privacy remains paramount throughout process regardless how much interaction has taken place prior contact details been exchanged outside application itself .

To ensure safety security every member must verify themselves when signing up , doing so provides peace mind knowing everyone genuine honest about intentions when joining service thereby reducing risk any kind fraud abuse malicious activity taking place during use site ‘s services . Additionally data encryption technology employed across entire network help protect sensitive information stored server keeping safe secure at times needed most important especially given current climate digital landscape ever changing world cyber threats increasing daily basis

Finally although primarily used romantic purposes many individuals also choose make friends using same platform due its vast array different options provided allowing tailor searches specific requirements whatever purpose might entail ; whether wanting platonic relationship friendship only soulmate life partner rest assured right here Meet Mindful !

  • 1.Mindful Matching: Our proprietary algorithm helps you find like-minded singles who share your values and interests.
  • 2. Relationship Readiness Assessment: Take our quiz to get personalized advice on how to best prepare for a healthy, mindful relationship.
  • 3. Guided Communication Tools: Use icebreakers, thoughtful questions, and other conversation starters to help break the ice with potential matches in an easy way that encourages meaningful conversations from the start!
  • 4. Video Date Suggestions & Tips: Get creative date ideas tailored specifically for virtual dating so you can make lasting connections online!
  • 5 .Mindfulness Resources & Support Groups : Access helpful articles , podcasts , videos , meditations and more designed to support personal growth as well as build strong relationships with yourself or others !
  • 6 .Live Events & Workshops : Join us virtually at exclusive MeetMindful events where we bring together experts in mindfulness topics such as self-care practices or communication skills training !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the MeetMindful app is a simple and straightforward process. To begin, users will be asked to provide their name, email address, gender identity and sexual orientation as well as some basic information about themselves such as age range preference for potential matches. After submitting these details they will then create an account by setting up a username and password which can be used to log in whenever they want to access the app. Once this has been completed successfully, users are ready to start exploring all that MeetMindful has to offer! The minimum required age for dating on the MeetMindful App is 18 years old; however registration itself is free of charge so anyone who meets this criteria can sign up with ease!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a username and password that meets the security requirements of MeetMindful’s system.
  • 3. User must agree to abide by all terms and conditions outlined in the Terms of Service agreement upon registration with MeetMindful
  • 4. Users under 18 years old are not allowed to register for an account on MeetMindful without parental consent or supervision from an adult guardian over 18 years old
  • 5 .User will be required to upload at least one profile photo during registration process
  • 6 .User should have access to reliable internet connection when registering for their account
  • 7 .Users may need additional information such as age, gender, location etc., depending on what is requested by meetmindfull during signup process 8 .All users should read through privacy policy before signing up so they understand how their data will be used

Design and Usability of MeetMindful

The MeetMindful app has a clean and modern design, with colors that are calming yet vibrant. The interface is easy to navigate and the layout makes it simple to find profiles of other users. It’s intuitively designed so you can easily search for people based on your interests or location. Usability wise, the app runs smoothly without any glitches or bugs making it very user friendly overall. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as more profile customization options which make using the app even easier and enjoyable than before!

User Profile Quality

MeetMindful is a dating platform that focuses on meaningful connections and quality profiles. All user profiles are public, so anyone can view them without signing up for an account. Users have the option to set their own custom bio in order to express themselves more fully. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar, but users do have access to privacy settings which allow them to control who sees what information about them online. Additionally, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature available; this helps reduce fake accounts from appearing on the site as well as protect users’ data security and privacy when using MeetMindful’s services. Location info within user profiles includes city name only – it does not reveal any other specific location details such as street address or exact coordinates of where someone lives/works etc., however you cannot hide your location info if you choose not too (unless by deleting your profile). The distance between two people is also indicated with each profile listing how far away they live from one another in miles/kilometers – this allows potential matches get an idea of whether they could be compatible based off geographical proximity before even messaging each other! Premium subscription holders may benefit from additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging options among others depending upon their plan level chosen at time of purchase


MeetMindful is a dating website that focuses on connecting singles with shared values and interests. It allows users to create profiles, search for matches, send messages and interact in forums. The main advantages of the site are its focus on meaningful connections between people who share similar beliefs; it also offers an extensive range of features such as profile creation tools, advanced search options and compatibility tests which make finding compatible partners easier than ever before. Furthermore, MeetMindful has an app version available so you can access your account from anywhere at any time!

The difference between the site and the app lies mainly in their interface: while both offer all essential features needed for online dating experience (e.g., messaging system), they differ slightly when it comes to design elements like colors or fonts used within them – this makes using either one more convenient depending on user’s preferences/needs. Additionally, some additional functionalities might be present only within either platform due to technical limitations imposed by device type being used (e.g., mobile phones).

At this moment there is no official dating website associated with MeetMindful yet – however many users have expressed interest towards having one implemented soon enough as well-thought out matching algorithm would help connect even more individuals based off their personality traits rather than just common interests alone thus making long-term relationships much easier achievable goal overall . This could potentially lead into new era where couples will not only find each other through traditional means but via social networks too providing unique opportunity meet someone special without leaving comfort of own home environment

Safety & Security

MeetMindful is a dating app that takes security seriously. The platform has multiple layers of verification to ensure users are who they say they are and protect them from bots, fake accounts, and malicious actors. To start with, all new members must verify their identity by providing an email address or phone number before being able to access the site’s features. Additionally, MeetMindful requires its members to upload at least one photo for manual review by moderators as part of the sign-up process; this helps prevent people from creating fake profiles using stolen images. Furthermore, two-factor authentication can be enabled on user accounts for added protection against unauthorized logins attempts – making it harder for hackers to gain access even if someone’s password is compromised in some way. Finally, MeetMindful also provides detailed information about its privacy policy so users know exactly how their data will be used and protected when interacting with other people on the platform..

Pricing and Benefits

Is MeetMindful Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

MeetMindful is an app that helps users find like-minded people to connect with and build meaningful relationships. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available for those who choose to upgrade their subscription.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Subscription:

  • Access all members in your area Price: $19/monthly

  • Get priority customer service support Price: $29/monthly

  • See when someone has read your messages Price: $39/monthly

  • Receive advanced matchmaking services Price: $49/monthly
    Total cost per month =$136 (if you get all 4) Annual cost=$1632 ($135 x 12 months) Discounts offered on annual subscriptions! Prices vary depending on location and currency exchange rates. Payment methods accepted include credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay & Google Wallet. All plans automatically renew unless cancelled before renewal date by user via account settings page or contacting customer service team directly at [email protected] . Refunds will be issued if cancellation request was made within 7 days from purchase date only; no refunds after 7 days period expires under any circumstances except where required by law applicable in some countries outside US jurisdiction.. Cancellation requests must include valid proof of payment such as order number along with full name used during registration process otherwise refund may not be processed correctly due to security reasons which we take very seriously here at Meet Mindful Support Team!. Users can also opt out from auto-renewal feature anytime they want without having to contact us first just go into Account Settings section located inside App itself then select “Cancel Auto Renew” option found near bottom part next click confirm button done!. No matter what plan you decide upon our goal remains same – helping singles around world find true love through mindful connections so don’t hesitate give us try today ! So do users really need paid subscription on meetmindul ? It depends entirely up each individual’s needs budget availability however one thing sure upgrading gives access more features than regular free membership offers thus increasing chances finding perfect partner faster easier way possible while still being able save money long run thanks discounts offered annually basis mentioned above hope this answers question thank reading have great day ahead !

Help & Support

MeetMindful is an online dating platform that provides support to its users. There are several ways for members to access this help and advice when needed.

The first way is by visiting the Help page on MeetMindful’s website, which contains answers to frequently asked questions about the service as well as contact information for customer support representatives. This page can be accessed from any device connected to the internet and should provide quick solutions in most cases. Additionally, there is a Contact Us form available where customers can submit their queries directly via email or phone call if they require more detailed assistance with their issue(s).

For those who need immediate attention, MeetMindful also offers 24/7 live chat support through its website so that customers can speak directly with one of our knowledgeable team members in real-time during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST). The response time usually varies depending on how busy we are but typically ranges between 1-2 minutes maximum per inquiry submitted via Live Chat Support feature. In addition, all emails sent through our Contact Us form will receive a reply within 48 hours at most; however urgent matters may be responded sooner than expected due to priority handling by staff members assigned specifically for such requests only.


1. Is MeetMindful safe?

Yes, MeetMindful is a safe platform. It uses secure encryption technology to protect your personal information and data. All user profiles are verified manually by the site’s moderators before they can be used on the website, ensuring that all users have genuine intentions when using it. Additionally, MeetMindful has an extensive privacy policy in place which outlines how your data will be handled and stored securely as well as outlining what measures you should take if you feel like someone is trying to misuse or abuse their access privileges on the website. The safety of its members is one of MeetMindful’s top priorities so rest assured that any potential risks are taken seriously and dealt with promptly whenever possible

2. Is MeetMindful a real dating site with real users?

Yes, MeetMindful is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2014 and has grown to become one of the leading online dating sites for singles looking for meaningful connections. The platform provides an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share similar values and interests through their comprehensive profile system that allows members to get detailed information about potential matches before making contact. Members can also join groups or attend events organized by other members, allowing them to connect even further with people they are interested in getting to know better. With its unique approach towards creating meaningful relationships between those seeking long-term commitment, MeetMindful has gained popularity among singles all over the world since its launch more than five years ago.

3. How to use MeetMindful app?

MeetMindful is an app designed to help people connect with others who share similar values and interests. The app allows users to create a profile that includes information about themselves, their hobbies, beliefs, lifestyle choices and more. Once they have created their profile, they can then search for potential matches based on these criteria. Users can also view other profiles in the MeetMindful community and message each other if there is mutual interest.

The main goal of MeetMindful is to foster meaningful connections between like-minded individuals by providing them with an easy way to find one another online without having to resorting using traditional dating sites or apps where it may be difficult for someone looking for something more serious than casual hookups or flings . With its focus on building relationships rooted in shared values rather than physical attraction alone , this platform has become increasingly popular among those seeking deeper connections through digital means .

To get started using the Meet Mindful App simply download it from your device’s store (iOS/Android) , register yourself as a user by creating a unique username & password combination followed by filling out some basic personal details such as age range gender etc., upload photos of yourself which will appear publicly within your profile page – you should make sure all images are appropriate before uploading them! Finally start searching through available singles nearby according too what matters most important when finding love – whether that’s location religion career goals etc… You’ll soon discover how much easier meeting compatible partners becomes once you join forces with this innovative matchmaking service !

4. Is MeetMindful free?

MeetMindful is not free, but it does offer a 7-day trial period for new users. During this time, you can explore the features of MeetMindful and decide if it’s right for you before committing to a paid membership. After the 7 days are up, members have access to additional features such as advanced search filters and message read receipts. The cost of membership varies depending on which plan you choose; however all plans include unlimited messaging with other members so that everyone has an equal opportunity to connect with someone special.

5. Is MeetMindful working and can you find someone there?

Yes, MeetMindful is working and it can be a great way to find someone special. The platform provides users with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar values and interests. It offers various features such as profile creation, messaging, search filters, virtual events/date ideas and more that make the process of finding someone easier than ever before. With its focus on meaningful connections rather than casual dating or hookups, MeetMindful has become increasingly popular among singles looking for something real. Whether you’re interested in long-term relationships or just want to meet new people in your area – there’s no doubt that this site will help you find what you are looking for!


In conclusion, MeetMindful is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; it’s easy to navigate the site and quickly find potential matches. Safety and security measures are in place so users can feel safe when using the platform, while help and support from customer service representatives is available if needed. User profile quality on MeetMindful is also high; profiles provide enough information about people that you can make an informed decision as to whether they might be suitable or not before contacting them. All of these features combine together nicely into one comprehensive package that makes finding love easier than ever before!

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Author Carol Hill

Carol Hill is a passionate writer specializing in relationships and love. With a degree in psychology, she has a deep understanding of the complexities of interpersonal relationships. She has been writing professionally for the last five years, and her work has been featured in a number of prominent publications. She is a strong advocate for healthy relationships and strives to help people find the love they deserve. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.