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Is OasisDating the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?


OasisDating is an online dating platform that has been helping people find their perfect match since 2008. It was founded by 3H Group Pty Ltd, a company based in Australia and now owned by the holding company Oasis Active Limited. The app’s target audience includes singles looking for serious relationships as well as those who are just seeking casual encounters or friendship.

The app offers many features to help users connect with potential partners including instant messaging, emailing, video chat and profile matching services which allow them to search through profiles of other members on the site according to age range, location and interests among others criteria. Additionally it also provides safety tips such as not sharing personal information with strangers when communicating via the platform so users can feel secure while using it .

With over 18 million active members worldwide , Oasis Dating is one of most popular free dating apps available today . In fact , its popularity extends across 5 countries – United States , Canada , United Kingdom France & Spain – where more than half of all registered user base resides making this a great option for anyone looking for love regardless if they live in these regions or elsewhere around world .

To access OasisDating you simply need create an account either directly from website ( www oasisdating com ) or download mobile application iOS / Android devices both being completely free use once registration process completed successfully verified your identity verifying phone number provided during sign up process & completing short survey about yourself answering few basic questions such type relationship interested in finding out there etc after doing will have full access every feature offered within service be able browse view messages send receive replies photos videos much more !

How Does OasisDating Work?

The OasisDating app is a popular online dating platform that allows users to connect with other singles from around the world. It offers an easy-to-use interface and powerful search capabilities, allowing users to quickly find potential matches in their area or across the globe. The app also provides several features such as chat rooms, private messaging, profile customization options and more. With over 20 million registered members worldwide, it’s one of the largest online dating services available today.

Finding profiles on OasisDating is simple – just enter your criteria into its advanced search engine and you’ll be presented with a list of compatible matches based on age range, location preferences or interests shared by both parties involved in any given matchmaking process . Additionally , if you’re looking for something specific like someone who speaks Spanish fluently , there are plenty of filters available so that only those types of people will appear in your results . Furthermore , if you’d prefer not to limit yourself geographically then this feature can be turned off entirely which opens up even more possibilities when it comes to finding potential partners !

In terms of user base diversity , approximately 30% come from North America while 25 % hail from Europe ; 10 % originate from Australia/New Zealand; 15 % come out Asia Pacific region ; another 5% each represent South America & Africa respectively . As far as gender demographics go : 60 percent are male whereas 40 percent female making this service fairly balanced between genders overall!

Oasis Dating also offers some unique features including “Matchmaker” where two friends can introduce themselves anonymously through emails before deciding whether they want pursue further contact via messages or video calls – perfect for shy daters who don’t feel comfortable directly reaching out first hand! There’s also "Live Events" section which helps facilitate real life meetups among members nearby so everyone has chance interact face-to-face without having worry about safety issues associated meeting strangers offline either! Finally last but certainly not least: A dedicated customer support team ready answer questions 24 hours day 7 days week ensure smooth sailing throughout entire experience using application itself !

Overall Oasisdating provides comprehensive solution all kinds needs no matter what type relationship individual may seeking (be casual serious) rest assured there’s bound someone special waiting them right here within these virtual walls ! So why wait ? Signup now start searching soulmate today …you never know might find could change life forever 🙂

  • 1.Advanced Search: Allows users to search for potential matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, interests and more.
  • 2. Match Suggestions: Automatically suggests compatible members who share similar interests and preferences.
  • 3. Profile Verification System: Ensures that all profiles are genuine by verifying them with a unique code sent via SMS or email address provided at sign up stage .
  • 4. Photo Uploads & Video Profiles : Allow users to showcase their personality through photos and videos in order to attract the right kind of attention from other singles online .
  • 5. Private Messaging Feature : Enables private communication between two members so they can get to know each other better before deciding whether or not they would like meet face-to-face .
  • 6 Instant Chatting Facility : Gives instant access for real time conversations without having any delay in messaging back & forth

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the OasisDating app is a simple process. First, you will need to provide your email address and create a password. Then, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity and location. You may also be asked for an optional profile photo at this stage of registration if desired. After submitting these details, you can begin creating your dating profile by adding more detailed information like interests or hobbies that could help match with other users who share similar values or activities they enjoy doing together. The minimum required age to begin dating on the OasisDating app is 18 years old and it’s free to register so anyone interested in finding love online can get started right away!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. A username and password of your choice
  • 3. Age verification (must be 18 years or older)
  • 4. Acceptance of the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • 5. Gender selection
  • 6. Location information (country, city/state)
  • 7. Profile photo upload option 8 . Option to add a brief bio about yourself

Design and Usability of OasisDating

The OasisDating app has a modern design with bright colors that make it attractive and easy to use. The interface is simple, intuitive, and allows you to quickly find profiles of other people by using the search bar or browsing through suggested matches. Usability wise, the app is straightforward and navigation between different sections is effortless due to its user-friendly layout. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as access to more advanced filters for finding potential dates faster.

User Profile Quality

On OasisDating, users can create a profile with basic information such as age, gender and interests. Profiles are public and anyone who is registered on the site can view them. Users have the option to set a custom bio but there isn’t any "friends" feature or something similar available for use. Privacy settings allow users to control what other members see in their profiles including location info which they may choose to hide if desired. There is also an option of signing up using Google or Facebook account which helps prevent fake accounts from being created on the platform.

Location info reveals city-level details about where you live so it’s important that users take care when deciding how much detail they want others to know about themselves before making their profile publically visible online – this includes ensuring all personal data remains secure at all times while browsing through different user profiles too! Additionally, premium subscription holders benefit from increased visibility of their own profile compared with non-premium subscribers – meaning more potential matches could be made faster than ever before!

Finally, one should always remember that no matter what privacy settings are enabled within your account; nothing will protect you 100% against malicious activity taking place outside of these boundaries – so it’s essential for everyone involved in dating sites like OasisDatingto remain vigilant at all times when interacting with strangers online regardless whether your identity has been verified by third parties or not


OasisDating is a popular dating app that offers its users an easy and convenient way to meet new people. The app allows users to create profiles, browse through potential matches, chat with other members, send messages and even arrange dates. It also has features such as location-based searches which allow you to find singles in your area or across the world. One of the main advantages of OasisDating is that it’s free for everyone who signs up; however there are some drawbacks too – like not being able to view full profile information until you upgrade your account or pay extra fees for certain services.

The difference between OasisDating’s website and their mobile application lies mainly in how they look: while both offer similar features such as creating accounts, browsing profiles etc., the website looks more professional than the app due its layout design whereas on apps these elements can be hidden behind menus so they don’t take up much space on screen devices (smartphones). At this time there isn’t an official site from Oasis Dating but many speculate this may change soon given their growing popularity among online daters worldwide. As well as offering a platform where single people can connect with each other via text messaging or video calls; having a web version could open them up further by providing additional tools like blog posts about relationships advice & tips plus live streaming events related topics – all helping make finding love easier!

Safety & Security

OasisDating is committed to providing a secure and safe online dating experience for its users. The platform has several measures in place to ensure that all user accounts are verified, legitimate, and authentic. To start with, OasisDating requires each new user to verify their email address before they can access the site’s features. Additionally, it also uses manual photo verification process which helps detect fake or suspicious profiles quickly by manually reviewing photos uploaded by members on the website as well as social media profile pictures associated with an account. Furthermore, Oasis Dating offers two-factor authentication option so that users can protect their accounts from unauthorized access even if someone manages to get hold of your password somehow; making sure no one else logs into your account without permission from you first! In terms of privacy policy at Oasisdating ,all personal information collected is kept confidential & securely stored .The company ensures complete protection against any kind of misuse or loss caused due data breach & does not share customer details with third parties unless absolutely necessary for security reasons .

Pricing and Benefits

Is OasisDating Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

OasisDating is free to use, but there are certain features that require a paid subscription. The benefits of getting the paid subscription include access to additional search filters, being able to send unlimited messages and seeing who has viewed your profile. Additionally, you can also have advanced privacy settings with the premium membership. The prices for this premium service range from $5 per month up to $25 per month depending on how long you commit for in advance (1-month vs 6-months). This makes them competitively priced compared other dating sites out there offering similar services at higher costs.
If users decide they no longer want their account after signing up for a paid plan then they can cancel anytime before their next billing cycle and receive an automatic refund if applicable according to Oasis Dating’s cancellation policy which states: "Cancellations must be made within 24 hours prior of renewal date." If any user experiences difficulty cancelling their account or receiving refunds due then customer support should be contacted immediately so that these issues can be addressed quickly by qualified staff members available 7 days/week via email or phone call support lines provided on the website itself.

In conclusion, while some may argue whether users really need a paid subscription on Oasis Dating given its wide array of features already included in its basic version; however having access extra tools such as detailed searches and more private messaging options could certainly come in handy when looking for potential matches online!

Benefits Of Getting A Paid Subscription On Oasisdating Include:

  • Access To Additional Search Filters & Advanced Privacy Settings – Being Able To Send Unlimited Messages – Seeing Who Has Viewed Your Profile – Competitive Prices Ranging From $5-$25 Per Month

Help & Support

OasisDating provides a variety of ways to access support. Firstly, there is an FAQ page on the website which contains answers to commonly asked questions and can provide users with quick solutions. Additionally, if users require more specific help they are able to contact OasisDating’s customer service team via email or telephone for further assistance. The response time from the customer service team is usually within 24 hours but this may vary depending on how busy they are at any given time.

The email address used for contacting customer services can be found in the ‘Contact Us’ section of their website and it should include all relevant information such as your username so that you receive a quicker response from them when submitting queries about your account or other issues related to using OasisDating’s services . Furthermore, customers who prefer speaking directly with someone rather than sending emails have access to phone lines where experienced advisors will answer any inquiries regarding usage of their platform and also offer advice whenever needed.

Finally, although not always necessary due user friendly interface design provided by Oasis Dating , some people might find themselves stuck while navigating through different sections offered by this dating site -in these cases- having direct human interaction could make things much easier; therefore both methods (email & phone) should remain available in order ensure proper resolution times when dealing with technical difficulties or general enquiries


1. Is OasisDating safe?

Yes, OasisDating is a safe online dating platform. The website takes safety seriously and has implemented measures to ensure that its members are protected from scammers and other malicious activities. All new profiles must be verified before they can access the site, which helps to keep out fake accounts or people with bad intentions. Additionally, users have the ability to block any member who makes them feel uncomfortable or sends inappropriate messages. Furthermore, all communications between members are encrypted for added security so you don’t need to worry about your personal information being exposed on this platform. Overall, OasisDating provides an enjoyable experience while ensuring user safety at every step of the way!

2. Is OasisDating a real dating site with real users?

Yes, OasisDating is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2008 and it offers its members the chance to find love online through their website or mobile app. The website features an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search for potential matches based on location, age range, gender preference and more. Additionally, they offer free membership which gives access to basic services such as messaging other members and viewing profiles of those who have already joined the platform. With over 11 million active monthly visitors from all over the world using this service every month, there are plenty of opportunities for singles looking for meaningful relationships in a safe environment provided by OasisDating’s team of dedicated professionals who strive to ensure user safety at all times.

3. How to use OasisDating app?

Using the OasisDating app is a great way to meet new people and find potential matches. The first step is to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store, depending on your device type. Once you have downloaded it, create an account by entering some basic information such as your name, age and location. After that you can start browsing profiles of other users in order to find someone who interests you; when viewing another user’s profile simply click ‘Like’ if they seem like someone worth getting in touch with! If two users both like each other then they are matched up – at this point either person can send messages back and forth until one decides whether or not there could be something more between them than just friendship. Additionally, OasisDating also has several features which make it easier for members to connect with others: its search filters allow users refine their searches based on criteria such as age range or distance away while its chat rooms provide a place where multiple people can communicate without having had prior contact with each other beforehand – perfect for those looking for quick conversations rather than long-term relationships!

4. Is OasisDating free?

Yes, OasisDating is free to use. It offers a variety of features that are designed to help users find the perfect match for them. The website has been around since 2008 and has grown in popularity over the years due to its simplicity and effectiveness when it comes to finding love online. Users can create an account for free, browse through other user profiles, send messages or flirts as well as participate in chat rooms with other members from all over the world. All these features come at no cost which makes OasisDating one of the most affordable dating websites available today!

5. Is OasisDating working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OasisDating is a working website and it can be used to find someone. The site has been around since 2008 and provides an easy-to-use platform for singles looking for love or friendship. It allows users to search through profiles of other members in their area using various criteria such as age, gender, location etc., so that they can narrow down the list of potential matches according to what they are looking for. Additionally, there are plenty of communication options available on the site which make it easier than ever before to connect with people who share similar interests or goals. Ultimately though whether you will find someone depends on how much effort you put into your profile creation and searching process – but if you do then chances are high that OasisDating could help you meet your match!


To conclude, OasisDating is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and offers various features that make it easier to search and connect with potential matches. The design of the app is well thought out and user friendly, making it easy to navigate through different sections. In terms of safety and security, users can rest assured knowing their data will be kept safe as the site implements strict measures in order to protect its members’ information from being accessed by third parties or malicious actors online. Furthermore, help & support are available 24/7 if any issues arise while using the service so customers don’t have worry about not getting assistance when needed most. Lastly but not least important – user profile quality on this platform seems quite high as all profiles go through moderation before they get published ensuring only real people join up on this website which makes finding someone suitable much more likely than other platforms where such checks may be absent or inadequate at best.. All things considered OasisDating looks like a solid choice for anyone seeking love online!

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Author Carol Hill

Carol Hill is a passionate writer specializing in relationships and love. With a degree in psychology, she has a deep understanding of the complexities of interpersonal relationships. She has been writing professionally for the last five years, and her work has been featured in a number of prominent publications. She is a strong advocate for healthy relationships and strives to help people find the love they deserve. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.