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OurteenNetwork – A Comprehensive Review


OurteenNetwork is an online social networking platform that has been connecting young people from all over the world since its launch in 2006. It was created with a mission to provide teenagers and young adults with a safe space to meet, interact, and express themselves without fear of judgment or harassment. The app allows users aged 13-19 years old to connect through various features such as forums, blogs, photo sharing galleries and private messaging services.

Who can you find on this app? OurteenNetwork offers teens around the globe an opportunity for self-expression while also providing them access to other likeminded individuals who share similar interests or experiences they may be going through at any given time. With millions of active members worldwide (over 10 million registered accounts), it’s no surprise that OurteenNetwork continues to grow rapidly each year!

How many active users are on Ourteen Network and how it was launched? Since launching in 2006 by entrepreneur David Fritschle , ourteennetwork has grown exponentially every year – now boasting more than 10 million registered accounts across 5 countries including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & New Zealand . Who owns it ? Currently owned by IT Media Group LLC based out of Florida US . In what five countries is the App most popular ? USA UK Canada Australia & New Zealand Is the App free To Use ? Yes ! All basic features available within ourteennetwork are completely free for anyone aged between 13 – 19 years old Does OurnTeennetwork have An APP How Can A User Access It : Yes ! We offer both Android And iOS apps which allow users easy access their account via mobile devices anytime anywhere simply download “ourteennetwork” from either Google Play Store Or Apple store register your details using valid email address confirm registration via link sent your inbox start exploring new friends conversations today

How Does OurteenNetwork Work?

OurteenNetwork is an app designed to help teens connect with one another and make new friends. It offers a safe platform for users aged 13-19, allowing them to chat, share photos and videos, join groups or clubs of their interest, play games together and even find romantic partners. The key features of the app include user profiles that can be customized according to interests; private messaging between members; moderated public forums where discussions on various topics are held; virtual currency rewards for activities such as playing games or taking part in polls/quizzes etc.; video streaming services from popular content providers like YouTube etc., plus many more fun options!

Users can search through existing member profiles by location (country), age group (13-19) gender preference if desired – all data being securely stored within OurteenNetwork’s database system – so they can easily find someone who shares similar interests. There are also thousands of active users from different countries around the world including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India . This allows people across geographical boundaries interact with each other without any language barriers thanks to translation tools available inside the app itself!

The safety measures taken by OurteenNetwork ensure that only genuine teenaged individuals have access into its community while keeping out potential predators away at bay via stringent verification processes during registration phase along with regular monitoring & moderation activities conducted throughout usage period. Users must agree not to post inappropriate material such as nudity/pornography nor use offensive language when communicating amongst themselves thus maintaining a clean environment free from cyberbullying incidents which unfortunately plague some social media sites today . Additionally there’s also an emergency contact feature which allows teens in need seek immediate assistance should anything untoward happen during online interactions !

Apart from making new connections OurteenNetowrk has several built-in entertainment options ranging anywhere between music streaming platforms integrated directly into interface design up till gaming tournaments wherein players compete against each other using leaderboards ranking systems enabling everyone involved get most out their time spent here while having loads fun too ! Furthermore this application supports multiple languages ensuring every single person regardless origin gets same level experience no matter what device used accessing it whether smartphone tablet laptop desktop computer …etc.. All these combined makes sure maximum enjoyment obtained possible way creating lasting memories long after logout button pressed ending session gracefully yet leaving behind smile upon face 🙂

  • 1.Private Messaging
  • 2. Photo and Video Sharing
  • 3. Blogging Platforms
  • 4. Online Forums & Groups for Teens to Connect With Others Who Share Similar Interests
  • 5. Polling Feature That Allows Users to Vote on Topics of Interest
  • 6. Safety Features Such as Blocking, Reporting Abuse, and Moderation

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the OurteenNetwork app is a simple process. First, you will need to provide your name, email address and create a password. Then you’ll be asked to enter some basic information about yourself such as age, gender and location before creating an account profile which includes uploading a photo of yourself. Once all this has been completed successfully then you can begin using the app’s features including messaging other users in its chat rooms or searching for potential dates through its matchmaking system. After submitting these details it’s important that users verify their accounts by clicking on the link sent via email from OurteenNetwork – only once verified are they able to start dating online safely with others who have also gone through this verification process. The minimum required age for registering on OurteenNetwork is 13 years old and registration itself is free of charge so anyone over 13 can join up without having to pay anything upfront!

  • 1.Users must be between the ages of 13 and 19.
  • 2. A valid email address is required for registration.
  • 3. All users must provide a username, password, and profile picture during registration process
  • 4. Parental consent is necessary if user under 18 years old
  • 5 .Users are expected to abide by OurteenNetwork’s terms of service at all times
  • 6 .A working phone number should be provided in case verification needed 7 .All users have to agree that they will not post any inappropriate content on the website 8 .Users need to read through safety tips before accessing certain areas

Design and Usability of OurteenNetwork

The OurteenNetwork app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors that are pleasing to the eye. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users of all ages to find what they need quickly. Profiles can be easily found by searching or browsing through categories such as age group or location.

Usability-wise, the app is straightforward and efficient in its operation; there are no complicated menus or functions that could confuse users. It also offers helpful tips on how best to use certain features which makes navigating even easier for newbies. Additionally, when you purchase a paid subscription you get access additional UI improvements like custom profile designs which add an extra layer of personalization for your account experience!

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on OurteenNetwork is generally quite good. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and see the information that users have shared about themselves. Users can set a custom bio to give more details about their interests or hobbies, but they cannot upload any images or videos in this section of their profile. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other easily and quickly find people who share similar interests as them.

Privacy settings available for OurteenNetwork include allowing only friends to view your posts and photos, blocking certain accounts from viewing your content, hiding location info such as city name etc., and disabling comments from non-friends if desired by the user. Signing up using Google or Facebook account is an option too – however there may be some fake accounts created by bots which should be reported immediately if encountered while browsing through profiles on this platform . Location info revealed in user’s profile depends upon how much detail has been provided when signing up – it could reveal just city name without indicating distance between two different cities/towns; alternatively it might even show exact latitude & longitude coordinates of one’s current residence (if opted). Premium subscription offers additional benefits like creating multiple photo albums & private messaging with no limits imposed per day basis – all these features help enhance overall experience while exploring new connections within our community here at OurteenNetwork!


OurteenNetwork currently does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that OurteenNetwork focuses on providing its users with a safe and secure online environment for teens aged 13-19 years old. The site provides an array of activities such as forums, polls, blogs, videos and games in order to help young people build relationships through shared interests rather than romantic ones. By doing this it allows them to develop their social skills without any pressure or expectations from others which can be found in other dating sites/apps geared towards adults or older teenagers who are looking for more serious connections.

On the other hand there are many popular teen-oriented apps available today like Tinder where members create profiles with pictures and brief bios about themselves then swipe left (no) or right (yes) depending on whether they find someone attractive enough to chat with them privately via messaging service within the app itself. These types of apps provide instant gratification but come at risk because anyone can join regardless of age making it difficult for younger users who may encounter inappropriate content or predators posing as potential matches which could lead into dangerous situations if proper precautions aren’t taken by both parties involved when communicating outside these platforms

Safety & Security

OurteenNetwork takes security and privacy very seriously. They have a comprehensive verification process in place to ensure that all users are real people, not bots or fake accounts. OurteenNetwork requires new members to provide an email address which is then verified through a confirmation link sent via email. Additionally, they require the user’s phone number for SMS verification as well as profile photo identification before granting access to their platform. Photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators on staff who make sure no inappropriate content is posted online; AI technology also helps detect any suspicious images automatically so that it can be removed quickly if necessary. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) provides extra protection against unauthorized access with its combination of passwords and unique codes generated from mobile devices or emails for each login attempt made into the account – this ensures only authorized individuals can gain entry into one’s personal information stored within OurteenNetwork’s system at all times The Privacy Policy outlines how our data will be used such as what kind of information we collect about you when you use our services like name, age etc., how long we store your data securely after termination of service agreement between us and why do we need your consent prior processing any type of request related to accessing/updating/deleting your private info etc.. It also explains what measures do We take towards protecting Your Data while using Our Services including encryption techniques & other safety protocols implemented in order protect You from potential cyber threats

Pricing and Benefits

OurteenNetwork is a social media app that provides users with an opportunity to connect and communicate with other teens. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so users can choose the one that best suits their needs.

The free version of OurteenNetwork includes basic features such as messaging, creating profiles, uploading photos/videos, etc., while the premium version unlocks additional features like advanced search filters and more storage space for uploaded content. The cost of a paid subscription on OurteenNetwork varies depending on how long you want it to last: $4 per month or $25 annually (2 months free). This pricing makes it competitive compared to similar services offered by other apps in this market segment.

For those who decide they no longer need or want a paid subscription after signing up for one, cancelling is easy – simply go into your account settings and click “cancel” next to your current plan details; however refunds are not available once payment has been made due to our terms & conditions policy outlined at sign-up time..

So do users really need a paid subscription? Ultimately this depends on what type of user experience they’re looking for from OurteenNetworks’s platform – if all they require are basic functions then the free option should suffice but if access to exclusive benefits appeals then paying could be worth considering since there’s always potential savings when opting in for annual plans instead of monthly ones! Here are some advantages provided by getting Premium Membership:

  • Accessing exclusive content only available through Premium membership * Unlocking extra profile customization options * Increased storage capacity * Advanced search filters

Help & Support

OurteenNetwork is an online platform for teens to connect and share experiences. It provides a safe environment where young people can express themselves without fear of judgement or bullying. As such, it offers various ways to access support if needed.

The first way users can get help is by using the Help Center page on OurteenNetwork’s website which contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) as well as other helpful information about how the site works and what services are available. This section also includes contact details for customer service representatives who are always ready to answer any queries that may arise from members of the community in a timely manner – usually within 24 hours depending on their workload at any given time.

For more urgent matters, OurteenNetwork has set up dedicated phone lines so that users can call directly with their issues or concerns regarding anything related to the platform itself or its content/services provided therein; these lines operate between 9am-5pm EST Monday through Friday and have staff trained specifically in dealing with teenaged customers so they feel comfortable talking openly about whatever issue they might be facing while using our network’s services safely & securely . The response times vary but most calls will be answered within minutes depending upon availability at peak times during business days only..


1. Is OurteenNetwork safe?

OurteenNetwork is a social networking site designed for teens aged 13-19. It provides an online platform where young people can connect with one another and share their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and interests in a safe environment. The website has strict guidelines to ensure that all content posted by users is appropriate for its intended audience. All user profiles are reviewed before they become active on the site; any inappropriate or offensive material will be removed immediately from the system. In addition to this moderation process, OurteenNetwork also employs advanced safety features such as password protection and secure encryption technology to protect personal information shared by members of the community against unauthorized access or misuse of data. As long as users adhere to these rules and take precautions when interacting with other members online (such as not sharing private details), then OurteenNetwork should remain a safe place for teens looking make new friends while expressing themselves freely without fear of harassment or exploitation

2. Is OurteenNetwork a real dating site with real users?

OurteenNetwork is a website that provides an online community for teenagers. It has been around since 2004 and claims to have over 300,000 members from all over the world. While it does not explicitly advertise itself as a dating site, many of its users use it as such; some even find romantic partners on the platform. The majority of users are between 13-19 years old and come from different backgrounds with varying interests in music, fashion, movies etc., making OurteenNetwork quite diverse compared to other teen social networks like MySpace or Facebook which tend to be more homogenous in terms of age range and interests. As far as whether or not OurteenNetwork is a real dating site with real users goes – yes! There are plenty of people who use this platform both casually (to make friends) and seriously (for potential relationships).

3. How to use OurteenNetwork app?

Using the OurteenNetwork app is easy and fun! To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store. Once you have downloaded it, create an account by entering some basic information about yourself such as your name, age and location. After that you can start exploring all of the great features available on OurteenNetwork! You can make friends with other teens around the world or join a chatroom to talk about topics that interest you. You can also share photos and videos with others in our community so everyone gets to know each other better. Additionally, there are plenty of games for members to play together online or offline which makes staying connected even more enjoyable! All in all using this amazing social networking platform will help bring out your inner teen spirit while connecting with people who share similar interests as yours – making it a truly unique experience every time!

4. Is OurteenNetwork free?

Yes, OurteenNetwork is free. It offers a safe and secure online environment for teens to connect with other like-minded individuals from around the world. The website has been designed specifically for teenagers aged 13 to 19 years old, providing them with an opportunity to interact in a fun and friendly atmosphere without having any financial obligations or commitments attached. With features such as chat rooms, message boards, blogs and more available on the site at no cost whatsoever it’s easy to see why so many young people are drawn towards this social networking platform each day!

5. Is OurteenNetwork working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OurteenNetwork is working and it’s a great place to find people who share similar interests. It’s an online community for teens where they can connect with others their age from around the world. You can join discussion forums on topics like music, fashion, relationships and more. You can also create your own profile page so that other members of the site will be able to get to know you better by reading about your hobbies or favorite activities. There are even chat rooms available if you want to talk directly with someone else in real time! With its large user base of over one million users worldwide, there is sure to be someone out there just waiting for you!


In conclusion, OurteenNetwork is a great app for teens to meet new people and make friends. The design of the app is modern and user-friendly with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate around. It also has strong safety features in place such as profile verification, moderation tools, and parental controls which ensure users are kept safe from potential predators or cyberbullying. The help & support section provides helpful resources like FAQs, live chat support options etc., making sure any queries can be answered quickly by knowledgeable staff members who understand teen issues better than most adults do. Furthermore, user profiles on OurteenNetwork tend to have high quality content due to its strict guidelines when creating one’s account; this allows other users looking for partners easier access into finding someone they would want date without having too much hassle involved in the process overall! All these factors combined make OurteenNetwork a great platform for teenagers seeking companionship online while staying safe at all times – something every parent should appreciate!

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Author Carol Hill

Carol Hill is a passionate writer specializing in relationships and love. With a degree in psychology, she has a deep understanding of the complexities of interpersonal relationships. She has been writing professionally for the last five years, and her work has been featured in a number of prominent publications. She is a strong advocate for healthy relationships and strives to help people find the love they deserve. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.