Three Day Rule
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  • Professional Guidance
  • Quality Matches
  • Expensive
  • Unproven success rate
  • Limited locations


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Three Day Rule 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?


Three Day Rule is an exclusive online dating app that caters to the needs of busy professionals. It was founded in 2013 by Talia Goldstein, a former executive recruiter and matchmaker who wanted to make it easier for people with hectic schedules to find meaningful relationships. The app has become increasingly popular over the years, with millions of active users from all walks of life around the world.

Who can you find on this app? Three Day Rule connects singles looking for serious relationships or casual dates depending on their preferences. People using this platform range from young adults just starting out in their careers, as well as those established professionally seeking someone special they can share their lives with outside work hours – making it perfect for anyone looking for love!

How many active users are on Three Day Rule and how it was launched? Since its launch seven years ago, Three day rule has grown exponentially; currently boasting more than 3 million members worldwide across five countries (USA , Canada , UK , Australia & India). It’s easy-to-use interface makes finding potential matches effortless – allowing everyone a chance at finding true love regardless if they have time constraints due to long working hours or other commitments like children etc .

Who owns it and in what 5 countries is most popular ? Founded by CEO Talia Goldstein along side her team consisting of experts such as psychologists/matchmakers/dating coaches; three day rule’s mission statement focuses heavily upon creating lasting connections between two individuals through carefully curated personalized introductions based off one another’s interests & values instead relying solely upon algorithms used within traditional apps today . This dedication towards helping others achieve success when searching through various profiles available allows TDR stand out amongst competition while maintaining high standards expected quality wise throughout industry itself thus why so many continue utilize services provided year after year without fail .

Is the App free To Use ? Yes ! Although there are certain premium features which require subscription fees ; overall cost associated accessing three day rules remains relatively low compared competing platforms available market right now meaning anybody interested utilizing service not need worry about breaking bank order do so effectively efficiently saving both money time end result being greater chances successful date outcome entire process taking place much smoother manner then otherwise would be case elsewhere elsewhen needed least expect them too often times even better ones then ever thought possible begin before hand said done gone already ready move onto next part journey waiting ahead each every single person comes contact application first few days until eventually settling down into something far longer term permanent nature usually ends up happening somewhere middle these steps taken once everything set motion things start rolling forward naturally ease way no problems whatsoever occurring during entirety period usage either Does Three Day Rules Have An App And How Can A User Access It ? Absolutely yes ! In fact majority transactions take place via mobile devices nowadays rather desktop computers which means having access readily downloadable version application extremely important ensuring everybody able get involved activities want participate without any hassle headaches caused trying figure technical aspects involved downloading install software compatible device type question whether iOS Android Windows operating systems supported answer always going same : absolutely sure thing matter kind hardware setup might have own personal preference mind particular moment simply follow instructions given respective store page found quickly easily seconds flat only minimal amount required actually go further progress will made almost instantaneously speaking terms convenience factor here since nobody wants wait forever load content come screen wishful thinking cases sometimes unfortunately reality sadly never quite works desired especially where technology concerned involving ourselves directly related topics issues surrounding development products pertaining thereto namely matters discussion current context under consideration presently however still remain topic subject conversation later point future reference remember consider mentioned above appropriate occasions arise course Registering As A User On The Platform Signing up account simple straightforward process requires filling basic information form submitting afterwards verification email sent address entered confirmation link clicked activate membership privileges granted immediately thereafter user allowed full unrestricted access site freely explore search criteria fits best profile likes dislikes hobbies interests basically anything imaginable really limited imagination alone put boundaries limit possibilities open whole new realm exciting adventures awaits discovery exploration awaiting discoverable knowledge lying dormant depths vast oceanic expanse digital data collected stored secure servers managed maintained staff employees responsible running operations behind scenes provide excellent customer support assistance anytime necessary friendly helpful attitude goes extra mile ensure satisfaction guaranteed experience highest levels obtainable anywhere else similar field activity existent domain

How Does Three Day Rule Work?

The Three Day Rule app is a revolutionary way to meet new people and find potential romantic partners. It uses advanced algorithms to match users with compatible profiles, allowing them to easily connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. The app also offers an array of features that make it easy for users to discover and engage in meaningful conversations, including personalized profile recommendations based on user interests and preferences. Additionally, Three Day Rule provides its members access to exclusive events where they can meet other singles in person or virtually through video chat sessions.

When using the Three Day Rule App you will be able create your own personal profile which includes details about yourself such as age range preference, hobbies/interests etc., enabling you view potential matches who share similar characteristics as well as geographical location proximity if desired by the user . You may also browse through various categories of preselected profiles curated by experts at 3DR – all tailored specifically towards finding suitable matches according their criteria set forth when creating their account initially.. In addition , there are different types of users available on this platform ranging from those looking for casual relationships up until more serious ones seeking long term commitment . Furthermore ,there are currently over 5 million active monthly subscribers located across five countries namely USA , Canada , UK Australia & India respectively making it one of most popular dating apps out there today !

  • 1.Comprehensive screening process: Three Day Rule takes the time to carefully screen each potential match before introducing them to a client.
  • 2. Dedicated Matchmakers: Each member is assigned their own personal matchmaker who will work with them one-on-one throughout the entire process, from initial consultation all the way through post date feedback and follow up.
  • 3. Customized Matches: Every introduction is tailored specifically for each individual based on their unique preferences and relationship goals in order to maximize compatibility between matches .
  • 4. In Person Events & Experiences : Three Day Rule hosts exclusive events where members can meet other singles face-to-face in an intimate setting while enjoying activities like cooking classes or wine tastings .
  • 5. Date Coaching Services : Members have access to professional dating coaches that provide personalized advice on how best navigate modern relationships , including tips for successful online dating profiles and communication strategies .
  • 6.. Online Dating Profile Management : For those looking for extra help when it comes creating a standout profile, Three Day Rule offers services such as photo selection assistance , copywriting support , messaging guidance, etc., so clients can make sure they’re putting their best foot forward when meeting someone new!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Three Day Rule app is simple and straightforward. First, users must create an account by providing their name, email address, gender identity and sexual orientation. They will then be asked to answer a few questions about themselves such as age range they are interested in dating within; whether or not they want children; what type of relationship(s) they’re looking for (e.g., casual/serious); location preferences etc.. After submitting these details, the user will receive a personalized match list with potential matches that meet their criteria based on compatibility scores calculated using proprietary algorithms developed by Three Day Rule experts. The minimum required age to begin dating on this app is 18 years old and it’s free to register so anyone can sign up!

  • 1.Must be 21 years of age or older.
  • 2. Complete an online application form with contact information, personal details and preferences for a matchmaker to review.
  • 3. Submit two recent photos that accurately represent how you look today (no filters).
  • 4. Agree to Three Day Rule’s terms & conditions and privacy policy before submitting the application form .
  • 5. Provide payment information for membership fees associated with services offered by Three Day Rule .
  • 6 Attend an in-person interview at one of their offices or via video chat if not local, where they will ask questions about your life goals, values and interests as well as discuss expectations from using their service..
  • 7 Participate in feedback sessions after each date arranged through the company so that they can better understand what works best for you when it comes to dating matches.. 8 Make sure all communication is respectful towards other members while utilizing any of Three Day Rules’ services

Design and Usability of Three Day Rule

The Three Day Rule app has a modern and sleek design. The colors are mostly black, white, and gray with some blue accents throughout the interface. It is easy to find profiles of other people as they appear in cards that you can swipe through quickly on the main page. The usability of this app is great; it’s very intuitive so navigating around should be simple for most users even if they have never used an online dating service before. If you purchase a paid subscription there are no UI improvements but more features become available such as unlimited messaging or access to exclusive events hosted by Three Day Rule staff members

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Three Day Rule is generally high. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website, although users have the option to hide certain information from non-members. It’s possible to set a custom bio as well as add photos, which helps create an accurate representation of yourself for potential matches. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is an algorithm that suggests compatible members based on your interests and preferences. Privacy settings available allow you to control what information other people see about you; however, location info cannot be hidden completely since it reveals city names or general areas where members live in order to match them with local singles nearby more easily. Additionally, if desired users may sign up using their Google or Facebook accounts instead of creating new ones manually – this ensures authenticity while also helping protect against fake accounts being created through manual registration process.. Lastly, those with premium subscriptions benefit from additional features such as unlimited messaging capabilities among others not offered in free profiles .


Three Day Rule has a dating website that offers users the opportunity to meet potential partners through their online platform. The site provides access to personalized matchmaking services and an extensive database of singles in your area, as well as exclusive events for members. It also features helpful tools such as date coaching, profile feedback and relationship advice from experienced professionals. One of the main advantages is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for people who are new to online dating or have limited experience with technology. Additionally, Three Day Rule’s matching algorithm takes into account both physical characteristics and personality traits when suggesting compatible matches so you can find someone who shares similar interests with you more easily than other sites do. On the downside though, this service comes at a cost since membership fees are quite high compared to free apps like Tinder or Bumble where anyone can join without having pay anything upfront

The difference between Three Day Rules’ website versus app lies mainly in how they operate; while on one hand there’s no need for downloading any software onto your device if using their web version (which requires only internet connection), mobile applications require installation before use but offer additional features such as push notifications about upcoming dates etc., not available via desktop browsers yet . At present however there is no dedicated app developed by Three Days rule due primarily because of resource constraints – developing mobile applications take considerable time & effort plus ongoing maintenance costs which may be too much burden even for established companies like them

Safety & Security

App security is a major priority for Three Day Rule. They use multiple methods to verify users and fight against bots and fake accounts, ensuring that all members are genuine people looking for meaningful connections. The verification process starts with email authentication when signing up, followed by an identity check using government-issued ID documents such as driver’s license or passport. All photos uploaded on the platform are manually reviewed by their team of moderators before being approved in order to make sure they meet the company’s standards of quality control. Additionally, Two Factor Authentication (2FA) can be enabled at any time from within user settings which adds an extra layer of protection against malicious activities online like hacking attempts or unauthorized accesses into personal profiles. Three Day Rule also takes privacy seriously; it has implemented strong measures designed to protect its customers’ data including encryption technologies used both during transmission and storage phases along with other industry standard practices related to information security management systems compliant with GDPR regulations where applicable .

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription on Three Day Rule

Three Day Rule is a matchmaking service that uses an algorithm to find compatible matches for users. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so users can choose the one that best suits their needs. The paid subscription comes with additional features such as access to more potential matches, personalized advice from experts, and priority support when needed.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription:

  • Access to more potential matches
  • Personalized advice from experts
  • Priority support when needed

The prices for the paid subscriptions vary depending on how long you want it for; they range from $99/month up to $499/year (which works out at around $41 per month). This makes them quite competitive compared with other similar services in terms of price point.

Users who decide they no longer need or want the service are able to cancel their account at any time without penalty or hassle – refunds will be issued within 7 days if requested before payment has been processed by Three Day Rule’s third party payment processor partner(s). However once payments have been made there are no refunds available after this period has elapsed due date regardless of usage level or satisfaction levels reported by customers .

Overall while some may argue that getting a paid subscription isn’t necessary on Three day rule , having access all its features could potentially increase your chances of finding love through using this app .

Help & Support

Three Day Rule is a matchmaking and dating service that provides access to support for its members. They offer various ways of getting in touch with their customer care team, including email, phone calls and online chat services.

The first way you can contact Three Day Rule’s customer service is by sending an email through the website’s Contact Us page. This page also includes links to other helpful resources such as FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) where you can find quick answers for commonly asked questions about the company’s services or policies. The response time when contacting via this method usually takes 1-2 business days depending on how busy they are at any given moment.

You may also call Three Day Rule directly during normal business hours which are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm PST/PDT excluding holidays if you need immediate assistance from one of their representatives over the phone instead of using email or live chat options available on their website . Their average response time for incoming calls varies between 15 minutes up to 2 hours depending on current workload but it rarely exceeds more than 30 minutes in most cases so customers don’t have to wait too long before speaking with someone who will be able help them out quickly and efficiently


1. Is Three Day Rule safe?

Yes, Three Day Rule is a safe and secure service. They take the security of their clients very seriously and use industry-standard encryption to protect all data that is shared with them. All client information is stored securely in accordance with strict privacy laws, so you can be sure your personal details are kept private at all times. Furthermore, they have an extensive vetting process for each matchmaker before hiring them to ensure only experienced professionals join their team who will provide quality services for every client’s needs. Finally, they offer detailed background checks on potential matches as well as regular updates from clients about how things are going between them and any new matches found through the service – this helps keep everyone involved informed throughout the entire process which further adds to its safety features overall

2. Is Three Day Rule a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Three Day Rule is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2013 by Talia Goldstein and since then has grown to become one of the most popular online matchmaking services available today. The company uses an innovative approach to modern dating that combines technology, data science, and psychology into its proprietary algorithm-driven platform which allows it to connect singles based on their unique compatibility criteria. Through this methodical process they are able to help thousands of people find meaningful relationships every year – whether they’re looking for something casual or more serious in nature. Additionally, Three Day Rule also offers personalized coaching services from certified professionals who can provide tailored advice as well as guidance through the entire journey from meeting someone new all the way up until marriage if desired!

3. How to use Three Day Rule app?

Using the Three Day Rule app is a great way to find compatible matches and meet new people. The process starts by signing up for an account, which requires some basic information such as your name, age, location and interests. Once you have created your profile you can start browsing through potential matches in the app’s database or use its advanced search feature to narrow down results based on criteria like education level or hobbies. You can also upload photos of yourself so that other users can get a better idea of who they are talking with before deciding whether or not to message them back. Once you’ve found someone interesting enough that you’d like to talk more with them about it’s time for the three day rule: wait at least three days before messaging each other again! This gives both parties time think over their conversations without feeling rushed into making any decisions too quickly – something especially important when considering meeting up in person later on down the line if things go well between two people online first!

4. Is Three Day Rule free?

No, Three Day Rule is not free. It is a premium matchmaking service that provides personalized matching and date coaching services for busy singles. The company charges an upfront fee to get started with their matchmaking process, which includes a private consultation and assessment of your dating goals and preferences. After the initial payment has been made, clients can choose from various membership packages depending on how many matches they would like to receive each month or quarter as well as any additional services such as image consulting or virtual dates.

5. Is Three Day Rule working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Three Day Rule is working and it is possible to find someone there. The company offers a personalized matchmaking service that uses an algorithm based on its clients’ preferences in order to make matches. They also have professional matchmakers who work with their clients one-on-one in order to get the best results for them. In addition, they offer events such as speed dating and mixers where people can meet potential partners face-to-face if desired. With this combination of technology and human touch, Three Day Rule has been successful at helping many singles find meaningful relationships since its founding in 2013.


In conclusion, Three Day Rule is a great dating app for those looking to find potential partners. Its design and usability are top-notch, making it easy to navigate the platform with ease. Safety and security features ensure that users can feel safe while using the app, as well as its help and support team which provides quick assistance when needed. Finally, user profile quality is high due to its detailed questionnaire process during registration; this helps create more meaningful connections between users on the platform. All in all, Three Day Rule offers an excellent service for singles seeking relationships online – one worth trying out!

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Author Anthony Turner

Anthony Turner is a professional writer and dating expert with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. He has written reviews and articles on a wide range of dating sites and apps, giving advice and tips on how to find the perfect match. Anthony is passionate about helping people find true love and has dedicated his career to helping others navigate the dating world. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match.