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LocalsGoWild 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


LocalsGoWild is an innovative social media platform that connects people with similar interests in their local area. It was launched in 2018 and has since grown to become one of the most popular apps for meeting new friends, finding activities, or just connecting with like-minded individuals. The app caters to all ages and genders but its main target audience are young adults aged 18-35 who want to explore their city or town more actively by joining events organized by other users on the app.

The platform offers a variety of features such as event creation tools, chat rooms for discussing topics related to your location, notifications about upcoming events near you, personal profile customization options (including adding photos), groups dedicated to specific hobbies/interests etc., which make it easy for users from different backgrounds find each other quickly and easily. As far as safety goes – LocalsGoWild takes security seriously: every user must verify his identity via email before being able use the service properly; also there’s an option available where parents can approve any activity posted on behalf of their children under 13 years old if they wish so.

Currently there are over 5 million active monthly users registered across five countries – USA , Canada , UK , Australia & New Zealand . With this many people using it daily LocalsGoWild shows no signs slowing down anytime soon! The best part? You don’t have pay anything at all – registration process is free! All you need do is create account through website www localsgowild com then download mobile version from App Store / Google Play depending what type device prefer . After downloading open application enter details provided during sign up procedure start exploring world around !

How Does LocalsGoWild Work?

LocalsGoWild is an innovative mobile app that connects travelers and locals around the world. It provides a unique platform for users to meet, chat, and share experiences with each other in their own city or while traveling abroad. The key features of LocalsGoWild include user profiles, search filters based on interests such as food & drink preferences or activities like sightseeing tours; real-time messaging capabilities; access to local events and attractions; group chats with multiple people from different countries simultaneously; currency conversion calculator for easy budgeting during trips abroad.

Finding interesting profiles on LocalsGoWild is simple – you can browse through existing listings by country/city/region using various criteria including age range, gender identity etc., or use the ‘Discover’ feature which suggests nearby members who match your interests. There are two types of users – travellers looking for companionship during their travels and locals offering insider tips about what they know best: their home cities! With over 5 million registered users from more than 150 countries across 6 continents (including Europe, North America & South America), there’s no shortage of opportunities to connect with new friends all over the globe!

In addition to connecting travellers with potential guides at destination spots worldwide ,the app also offers several safety measures such as verified accounts so you can be sure who you’re chatting up online before meeting them in person . Furthermore , it has a strict policy against any form inappropriate behavior between its members making it safe place explore without worrying about harassment .

The Local Go Wild community consists mainly millennials aged 18-35 but welcomes everyone regardless of age . To join this vibrant network one simply needs download free application available both iOS Android devices create profile specifying basic information personal interest areas then start exploring ! After setting account visitors will have full access wide variety content offered by experienced travel bloggers reviews restaurants cafes hotels plus lots helpful advice provided friendly locals make most out journey wherever may take them !

Finally , besides being great way find trustworthy companion go wild together apps rewards program encourages its frequenters stay active receive points every time visit another city complete tasks earn badges recognition among peers even exclusive discounts partners businesses located near chosen destinations ! All these perks combined turn into unforgettable experience help discover true beauty planet Earth never forget memories created along way …

  • 1.Community Feed: A platform for users to share stories, photos and videos with the rest of the LocalsGoWild community.
  • 2. Event Discovery & Booking: Easily discover local events and book tickets in advance from within the app.
  • 3. Social Networking Features: Connect with friends, create groups or join existing ones, send messages and more!
  • 4. Points System & Rewards Program: Earn points by engaging on LocalsGoWild which can be redeemed for exclusive rewards such as discounts at restaurants or access to special events!
  • 5. Activity Tracking Feature : Track your activity levels through a variety of metrics including steps taken per day/week/month etc., calories burned etc..
  • 6 .Integrated Maps & Directions : Find directions quickly using integrated maps that show you where all nearby attractions are located so you never get lost while exploring new places !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LocalsGoWild app is a straightforward process. To begin, users will need to provide their name, email address and date of birth in order to create an account. Once this information has been submitted they will be asked to verify their age; only those over 18 years old are allowed access as per the terms and conditions of use for the app. After that, they can choose whether or not they would like to link up with Facebook before entering some additional details such as location preferences (city/state) and interests so that potential matches can be suggested based on these criteria. Finally, once all steps have been completed successfully then registration is complete!

Once registered there are various features available including searching for other singles in your area using advanced filters such as gender preference and age range; messaging others who you’re interested in getting to know better through private chats; creating events which could help bring people together offline too if desired – plus much more besides! It’s free register with LocalsGoWild so anyone aged 18+ can get started straight away without having any worries about hidden costs or subscription fees down the line either – making it one of most accessible dating apps around today!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Full name
  • 3. Date of birth
  • 4. Home address and phone number
  • 5. Desired username and password
  • 6. Agree to the terms & conditions of use
  • 7. Acceptance of privacy policy 8 . Payment information (if applicable)

Design and Usability of LocalsGoWild

The LocalsGoWild app has a modern design with bright colors and easy-to-navigate menus. The user interface is intuitive, making it simple to find profiles of other people in the area. With just a few taps you can access all your matches, messages, and settings quickly. You can also easily filter through different categories such as age or gender for more specific searches. Usability wise the app runs smoothly on both iOS and Android devices without any issues encountered so far. There are no UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription but users do gain additional features like unlimited messaging capabilities which make it easier to stay connected with potential partners in their local area

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on LocalsGoWild is quite high. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, so users should take care to ensure their information is accurate and up-to-date. Users have the option of setting a custom bio that will appear in their profile for others to see. There’s also a “friends” feature which allows you to connect with other members who share similar interests or activities as yourself. Privacy settings are available allowing users to control what information they want visible on their page such as location info, age, gender etc.. Additionally there’s an optional Google or Facebook sign-in feature if desired but this isn’t mandatory for creating an account so fake accounts aren’t really possible either way. Location info in your profile doesn’t reveal your exact city but rather just indicates the distance between two people (elevation excluded). Premium subscription holders may benefit from additional features like more detailed search options when looking through user profiles plus access exclusive content not available otherwise free subscribers don’t get access too!


At the time, LocalsGoWild does not have a dating website. This is likely due to their focus on connecting people with local activities and events rather than providing an online dating service. While there are many benefits of using an app for finding dates or partners, such as convenience and ease of use, it may be difficult for users to build meaningful relationships through this platform since they would only meet in person at certain times or places. Additionally, because the company has no control over who signs up for its services or how they interact with each other once connected via the app could lead to potential safety issues that need further consideration before launching a dedicated dating site from LocalsGoWild.

Alternatively if Local Go Wild did offer a dedicated online dating service it would provide users with more opportunities to find compatible matches by searching profiles based on shared interests and preferences within their geographical area without having rely solely upon chance meetings at events hosted by localsgo wild . Furthermore members could take advantage of features like messaging tools , video chat options , virtual gifts etc which can help foster deeper connections between two individuals while also allowing them greater freedom when deciding where & when they want arrange real life meet ups . However depending upon user demographics these features might come at cost making it important that any pricing structure should remain competitive against existing market offerings

Safety & Security

LocalsGoWild is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. To ensure the safety of all members, they have implemented several security measures. All user accounts are verified through email or phone number verification before access is granted and each account must pass an automated fraud check upon signup. LocalsGoWild also uses advanced AI technology to detect any suspicious activity such as bots and fake accounts in order to protect their community from malicious actors. Additionally, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators in order to make sure that only appropriate content appears on the site while protecting against potential scams or inappropriate images being shared with other members of the network. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) can be enabled which adds an extra layer of protection when logging into your account making it much harder for hackers or scammers who may try accessing your personal information without permission .In terms of privacy policy , LocalsGoWild respects every individual’s right over his/her data & takes necessary steps towards ensuring complete confidentiality & transparency about how we collect , use & store this data . We do not share any personally identifiable information like name , address etc with third parties unless required under law enforcement agencies . We take strict precautions regarding our online activities so that no unauthorized person can gain access our systems

Pricing and Benefits

LocalsGoWild Paid Subscription

LocalsGoWild is a social media app that allows users to connect with other people in their local area. The basic version of the app is free, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want more features and benefits.

The paid subscription offers several additional features such as unlimited messaging, priority customer service support, access to exclusive events and discounts on products from partners. Prices range from $9/month up to $99/year depending on the plan chosen by the user. These prices are competitive compared to similar services offered by competitors in this space so it can be worth considering if you’re looking for extra value out of your experience with LocalsGoWild.

If you decide at any point that you no longer wish to use a paid subscription then cancelling it should be straightforward; simply log into your account settings page and select ‘cancel’. If applicable refunds will usually take 5-7 business days after cancellation has been processed successfully – please check all relevant terms & conditions before proceeding though!

Overall do users really need a paid subscription? It depends entirely upon what they hope get out of using LocalsGoWild; if they just want some casual fun or networking opportunities then sticking with the free version may well suffice whereas someone wanting deeper connections could find good value through one of these plans – only each individual can make an informed decision here based upon their own needs & preferences!

Help & Support

Accessing support on LocalsGoWild is easy and convenient. The first way to get help is by visiting the website’s Support page. This page contains answers to frequently asked questions, as well as a contact form for more specific inquiries. Submitting this form will allow you to receive an email response from one of their customer service representatives within 24 hours or less during business days (Monday through Friday).

The second option for getting assistance with your account or any other issues related to using LocalsGoWild is by calling their Customer Service phone number which can be found on the same Support page mentioned above. When calling in, customers are usually connected with someone who can provide them with helpful information quickly and efficiently – often times within minutes!

Finally, if you need immediate assistance but don’t have access to either of these methods then there’s always the Live Chat feature available directly from the homepage of LocalsGoWild’s website – no registration required! Simply click "Live Chat" at any time day or night and you’ll be able connect instantly with a knowledgeable representative ready answer all your questions right away!


1. Is LocalsGoWild safe?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is a safe platform for users to connect with each other. The website has several security measures in place to ensure the safety of its members. All user profiles are verified before they can be approved and added to the site’s database. In addition, all messages sent between members are encrypted using SSL technology so that only those involved in the conversation can read them. Furthermore, any suspicious activity or reports of inappropriate behavior will be investigated by their team immediately and appropriate action taken if necessary. Finally, LocalsGoWild also provides detailed guidelines on how users should behave while interacting with one another on their platform as well as resources for reporting abuse or harassment from other members if needed

2. Is LocalsGoWild a real dating site with real users?

LocalsGoWild is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2013 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for singles looking to meet new people, make friends, or find romance. The website boasts over two million members from all around the world who are actively seeking out potential partners through its platform. LocalsGoWild provides an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search by location, age range and interests so they can quickly connect with likeminded individuals nearby or far away depending on their preferences. Furthermore, it also offers a variety of features such as chat rooms where you can get to know someone better before deciding if you want to take things further; private messaging capabilities; video chatting options; virtual gifts which allow members show appreciation for each other’s profiles without having any contact information exchanged beforehand; group events organized by local businesses so that those interested in meeting up have plenty of opportunities do just that – safely! All these features combined create an enjoyable experience for both casual daters and serious relationship seekers alike making LocalsGoWild one of the best places on the web when it comes finding love online today!

3. How to use LocalsGoWild app?

Using the LocalsGoWild app is easy and convenient. First, you need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account with your email address or sign in using Facebook credentials. After logging in for the first time, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself such as age range and location so that it can match you with other users nearby who share similar interests.

Once logged in, browse through different activities posted by locals near your area which could include anything from a hiking trip to attending a local event together – simply select what activity catches your eye! You can also post events of interest on LocalsGoWild if there’s something special happening around town that others should know about too! The great thing about this platform is that all activities are organized according to categories like sports & fitness; culture & entertainment; food & drinks etc., making it easier for people looking for specific types of experiences find them quickly without having search endlessly through posts they don’t care much about anyway. Finally when ready just hit ‘join’ button next any activity listing and wait until someone responds back – once confirmed joiners meet up at designated place/time set by original poster (OP) before heading out together on their adventure!

4. Is LocalsGoWild free?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is free to use. It’s a great way for people to explore their local area and find new places they may not have known about before. With its easy-to-use interface, users can quickly search through the app’s database of over 10 million locations around the world in order to discover hidden gems nearby or plan an adventure further away from home. The app also offers helpful tips on how best to enjoy each location with detailed descriptions and photos that help bring it all together.

5. Is LocalsGoWild working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a platform for people from all over the world to connect with each other in order to explore their local area together. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search for others who share similar interests or live nearby them so they can arrange activities such as hikes, picnics, bike rides or anything else they may be interested in doing together. Additionally, members have access to exclusive discounts at participating businesses and venues which makes it even more appealing when looking for things do locally with friends new and old alike!


In conclusion, LocalsGoWild is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are top-notch with intuitive navigation and user friendly features. Safety and security measures are also in place to protect users from any malicious activity on the platform. The help & support team of LocalsGoWild is always available to answer questions or provide assistance whenever needed. Finally, user profile quality is high as all profiles go through an extensive verification process before they can be approved by moderators – this ensures that only genuine people join the platform which makes it even more secure than other apps out there. All in all, we highly recommend using LocalsGoWild if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Anthony Turner

Anthony Turner is a professional writer and dating expert with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. He has written reviews and articles on a wide range of dating sites and apps, giving advice and tips on how to find the perfect match. Anthony is passionate about helping people find true love and has dedicated his career to helping others navigate the dating world. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match.

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